The Don Juan that didn't Triumph

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Hey guys! I was asked to do Pianji by @Ellie1234557 here you go!

1.) Walk up to him with a white mask and a Punjab rope right before Don Juan

2.) Then go close to him and ask, "How was losing that weight Don Juan?"

3.) Then ask him why he messes up words so much

4.) Then say, "Is it because you're too busy Roma-n around the stage?"

5.) He'll get confused then you'll take his cloak and put it on yourself and dance around


7.) Asks what he sees in Carlotta

8.) Then tell him that he has really bad taste in girls

9.) Ask him if he will ever try to lose weight

10.) If he doesn't answer, throw a pie in his face and be like, "THIS WILL MAKE YOU FATTER!"

Pianji:  What? How could you! I'm from Italy. Rome is very hard for me!

Yeah Pianji. That's what they all say. Sorry for the late post! I've had so much work to do! Forgive me! I plan to post more tomorrow! Love you all! Thanks! -ErikPhantom/[^}_^]

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