I had to break out of here somehow. There must be an exit of stairs or something of the sort.
"RING!! RING!!" The bells screamed out every sound that it could make. That meant lunch time. All the prisoners got escorted it of their cell to the cafeteria.
When we made it to the cafeteria, I saw who was my escort. It was Ben. I had to wonder or ask how did he get here and get a job so quickly? I mean he wasn't on the bus this morning, so that does mean something. Maybe he just wanted to make extra cash for something.
As I got my food and sat down, Zac pulled up his seat next to mine. He was very polite to the other prisoners. Which is a Peachefare trait. He still had on his clothes from the first moment that I saw him. I knew that he was that one person that never showered.
"Hey." He said to me.
"Hey." I replied trying to sound cool, but it just sounded really awkward.
"Hey, do you want to leave this place?" He asked me as the guards slowly backed away and moved on.
"Actually, yes I really want to leave, but I don't how to get out of here." I said trying to be settle, but inside I was so scared and nervous.
"Don't worry." He said to me all calmly. "We'll find a way." He said as he drew closer to me.
My body was tingling with excitement and nervousness. Wait! Is he going to kiss me? He leaned in closer as I started to lean in. He put his arms on my shoulders as he kissed me tightly like he wanted it to be over.
I was still eyes all open on him. I didn't know what to do or say, because that had been my first kiss. Now, I feel as if I can do anything, because I am a powerful woman! All I needed to do was see it through someone else's point of view.
"RING!! RING!!" The bell screamed as everyone dumped their trays and departed from the cafeteria.
I haven't even touched my food, so they let me take it back to my cell. Now, I was paired in a cell with Zac and a Glassbook nerd who looked startled and scared. I knew that somehow I would've ended up here. I need people to hold me up and be on this adventure with me. I remember a saying that my mother told me when I was young that made me think about what I was going through.
She said, "Lillian, every child is like a vine. All they need is structure to cling to."
FantasySynopsis: It is the future in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and everything is updating, but somethings shouldn't be updating so quickly like the Government and SWAT. Lillian Sarah Marie Summers is caught in it all with Pittsburgh being the only Waxensa...