Chapter 3

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Shinwoo's POV

It is early in the morning, 6:30am. I decided to go down visit Mrs. Lou's cafe. As I go inside the cafe, the sweet smell of cocoa caught me. 


"Hey CNU! So early today! What brings you here?" Asked the clerk as he grins widely. 

"Just chilin'." I proceeded to sit on the stool. "Just why are your muffins so expensive?" I decided to get my wallet and check if I have enough money to buy something at least for myself or for someone.

"Well no can do Shinwoo! We got to pay our rent here in this god damn place as well! We're sufferin' here too y'know!" Mrs. Lou yells on the kitchen as she bakes. 

"Hahaha. Well sorry then. Didn't know that you're there Mrs. Lou." I slightly laughed as I scratched my head to knowing that they have to go under something too.

"Anyways how's it going with the girl?" The clerk asks me with his stupid face in front of me, interested. 

"I think it's going pretty well... I guess. I mean we talked yesterday and--" the clerk cuts off my sentence and responded, "That's great! Did my advices work???"

"Somehow...--" I answered but then sighed as he cuts me again.

"Hah! You gotta pay me back!" The clerk happily exclaimed. "Come on! Aren't you going to buy something? You know, I mean at least for her. You can't bring out a girl's heart without a gift." He gave me an advice as he bunched me with his shoulders.

Well yeah. He's got a point though. Maybe I should buy something for her... BUT NOT RIGHT HERE IN THIS PLACE! I swear, one muffin in this cafe is too expensive.

Mrs. Lou comes out and approaches me, bringing the smell of peanut and cocoa draw closer to me, "Why not buy our brownies then?"

These are our new special! Choco Peanut Brownies! We'll give you 20% off discount? How about that? Deal?" She suggested. "And how much would it be with discount?" I asked as I prepared my wallet. "That would be for $15."

"That's still expensive though! But still I'm going to buy it." I handed down the money to the clerk as Mrs. Lou provided a container for the brownies. 

"Here you go! That consist of ten brownies in one box. I'm sure you won't regret taking these! These are really good!" I took the box and thanked her. 


As I was about to leave and bid goodbyes to Mrs. Lou and the clerk, someone caught my attention outside. She passed down the stairs as we caught each other's eyes. She gave a little bow at me as a greeting and smiled. I also smiled back as soon as she passes by. Supposed to be I should give these brownies to her but it seems like she is going somewhere else. I guess not now. If I do it now I'd get really nervous. "Hmmm. Maybe later."

I kept sitting down, looking at her back as she walks towards her direction, not leaving the cafe yet. 

"Is that her?" The clerk asked 

"She's so formal even when she's so small." Mrs. Lou insisted. 

"Just for today probably. She's not that pretty but she's kind of cute and average." I talked as my eyes were still focused at her. She walked and walked and then stopped. 


"W-wait? Is that a guy?." The clerk sees as a guy approaches Gloria. 

"Tsk tsk tsk." Mrs. Lou turns her head. "Oh no. Any idea who that is, Shinwoo?"





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