Chapter 5

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Shinwoo's POV


[6:21 PM]

I passed by the cafe as I was about to go up stairs. I just got here from the restaurant. I'm really exhausted for today's work good thing that they let us out early.

"Heey CNU! Your duty's out is really early today!" I was startled as the clerk calls me from the back.

"Hahaha y-yeah, maybe because it's Friday and...-- He silently points inside the cafe as I see Gloria talking to Mrs. Lou.

O-okay, what's going on?

"I'm sure you'd want something for today~!" The clerk giggles while he tries to bring me in as I try to avoid it.

Nope, nope.

If I go there I might experience the biggest NOPE in my life.

"The brownies are the last. I already gave up." I continue to ignore him with his bothers.

"Hey, come on! You're being too denial!" He says as he tries to grab me. He missed as I slowly try to run away from here.

"I have nothing to buy! Why do you have to let me in to that cafe--" he successfully was able to grab me but I tried to oppose him as he led me to the direction of the cafe. "Hey you better come here or I'll tell her that you like--

"Well, okay!" I remove his hand on my shoulder.


I was somewhat furious but nervous at the same time.

"I'll go in for awhile." I soon get to smell the scent of cocoa while I go in; the same time I last came back when I bought those brownies. What's different is that there are now more costumers, including Gloria.

As I went in I quickly go out because he just told me to go in, right? And I already just did. I decided to quickly escape.

Gloria's POV

"Shinwoo!" I hear his name being called by the clerk. I directly turned my head to the right for it caught my attention and right there, right there, I saw him as we made a very quick eye contact.

[Going back to 6:01 PM]

I went in the cafe with the clerk welcoming me in. I smell the arousing scent of cocoa and hear an instrumental classical music being played by the cafe's speaker.

"Welcome miss! Is there anything you'd like to buy?" The baker lady greets me with a warm smile.

"Well, haven't I seen you somewhere?" She gives an outward aspect. "Ohh! You live upstairs, right? And... Wait-- aren't you my daughter's adviser?!"

"Yes." I smiled and agree. Glad that she actually noticed me.

"Ma daughter's keep talkin' 'bout ya ever since I knew about you. By the way, is there somethin' you like?"

I sit down on the first stool and ordered a coffee drink, which is quite expensive. She handed me over an iced coffee with its smell spreading right it front me.

I took a sip and, "This one is really delicious." I exclaimed to her.

"Well everythin' in this cafe is good, gotta admit that, since it's all my recipe." She confidently tells me as she gives a big laugh.

"Though everything is expensive as well.." She added and again with a laugh.

The two of us decided to talk, most likely about her daughter: about her performance and behavior in school. With the reminder that she is my favorite student I'm sure she expected a lot of good things for her daughter.

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