Chapter 1__Pilot

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"What is he doing here?" I asked impatiently as my dad passed me in the big living room of the very big, very expensive mansion I lived in. "This girl that looks like another from when they were humans? There has to be something else."

"I don't like it either," my dad said. "But he's not the worst one out of the two."

"You/re right, he's not. But whenever Stefan comes to visit, Damon's usually not that far behind."

"I know that," he said, looking like he was getting impatient. "But there's not much we can do about either of them."

He started to walk away, out of the room, and I hesitated before I called, "Does that mean I still have to go to school?"

There was no reply, and I sighed, knowing that that was a yes, grabbing my bag and moving to the front door and getting into my black hybrid, driving away.

"Once our homestate of Virginia joined Confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amount of tension within the state," Mr. Tanner told the class, the class that just so happened to have Stefan inside.

I was so bored that I tuned the rest out.

When I got home, my dad was reading the newspaper. "Well, you were right, so don't tell me you told me so."

"Right about which thing?" I asked, throwing my bag down onto the ground as he got up and moved upstairs to where Stefan was in his room, and I called after him, "Can't tell you that I told you so if I don't know what I'm saying it for."


"The Battle of Willow Creek took place right end of the war in our very own Mystic Falls," Mr. Tanner said. "How many casualites resulted in this battle? Ms. Bennett?"

"Um . . . . a lot. I'm not sure. But like a whole lot."

Bonnie Bennett cute, bubbly girl that was a cheerleader.

"Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Ms. Bennett. Mr. Donovan. Would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your embedded jock stereotype."

"No, thanks, Mr. Tanner. I'm cool with it."

Matt Donovan. The nice captain of the football team.

A few students chuckled at the guy, and Tanner went on to his next victim. "Elena? Surely you can enlighten us about one of the town's most significally historical events."

"I'm sorry, I--I don't know."

Elena Gilbert, the girl who had lost her parents.

"I was willing to be leniant last year for obvious reasons, Elena," Tanner said. "But the personal excuses ended with summer break."

I rolled at him, and then Stefan was saying, "There were 346 casualties. Unless you're counting local civilians."

"That's correct. Mr . . ."


"Salvatore?" Tanner and a few others looked over to me, and I rolled my eyes again, sighing, laying my head down on my desk. "Any relations to the original settlers of Mystic Falls, like Nicola?"

I looked up at the mention of my name, thinking that Stefan was one of the original settlers. "Distant," Stefan answered.

"Well, very good. Except, of course, there were no civilan casualties in this battle."

"Actually, there were, uh, 27, sir. Confederate soliders, they fired on a church believing it to be hiding weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss. The Founders' archives are stored in the Civil Hall if you'd like to brush it by your facts. Mr. Tanner."

Students chuckled, but I didn't care.

There was a bon fire tonight, but I wasn't going. I didn't go to those kinds of parties. I wasn't that type of girl. I never had and never would.

But I had gotten into my dad's alcohol and drank my way half-way through a bottle before I heard glass shattering.

What the hell?

I walked closer to the door, walking through the halls and getting to the front door when someone was walking in.

"Hey, Nikki," one of my other great-great-great-great . . . how many greats? . . . uncles said teasingly. "Or should I say Cola?"

"Damon," I let out a very long sigh.

"You expected me didn't you?" I didn't answer. "Of course you did."

He walked toward me, and I didn't move, making sure he didn't think that I was scared when he growled tauntingly in my ear as he walked past, and I turned my head after him as I watched my dad coming down the stairs.

"Told you," I said.

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