Chapter 12__Unpleasantville

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In the library, Damon was pretty much throwing books onto the ground looking for something. "What are you looking for, Damon?" I asked, my voice kinda tight, but not by much.

"Not your concern," he told me.

"Well, technically - "

"If you say it's technically your house with your things, I swear I'll reconsider my policy about killing more than one family member in a century." He shrugged. "Though I see your point."

I was about to say something that could gotten on his nerves enough to where that would happen, but Stefan was walking into the library, saying, "You're not gonna kill Nicola, I won't let you, and, being she was born and raised in this house, even if you did destroy the lease, it is in fact hers." I smiled a little bitter smile that said, I told you. "But putting Elena in harm's way, that is my concern."

I rolled my eyes and my head back. Of course he'd make this about her. I started to turn around and walk away as Damon said, "Hm, what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about Atlanta."

"Oh, yeah," Damon said as I neared the library door way that led to the hall way that led to the living room. "Elena and I had a blast."

I shook my head back in annoyance, leaving the room as Stefan said, "I get it. You're bitter because one of us gets to be with the person that we love and poor Katherine is just out of reach. Unless there's another way for you to get into that tomb. That what Bree said?"

I stopped walking, looking back at them with a slight case of annoyance, my arms swinging as I turned to face them.

"You're pathetic when you're fishing," Damon told Stefan.

"You're transparent when you're deflecting."

Damon looked over to Stefan. "Don't you have school? Goes for you too, Cola. You ditched . . . How many days?"

"Not your concern," I used the words he used on me tauntingly, and he stared back at me when I had. I bent down to grab my bag with an annoyed sigh. "And would you stop calling me that?"

Stefan smiled a little, turning away from Damon and toward me, nodding to the door, and I turned and walked out before he was following me. "Hey."


"Here," he said, holding out a cloth little baggie with a drawstring, placing it in my hand. "It's vervain. I know Damon promised you some and didn't deliver, so I did."

"Thanks," I said, putting the drawstring baggie in my leather jacket pocket. As long as I had it me or on me, I was good. "Seriously."

Elena had been over the next day. The vampire that she had ran ober with her car had found her and now was playing psycho games with her. I had over heard that from the library, but when I started to walk in and saw Stefan and Elena kissing, I turned right around and left.

Stefan was following after me. "Nicola." I turned to face him. "Would you be likely to know where my father's journel would be?"

"Depends on who he is," I said.


I nodded, remembering my dad always reading it so he would know everything about everything there was to know about human Stefan and Damon. "My dad's desk in the study, top drawer."


He walked off and I headed for the library again.

I groaned when I saw Damon sitting at the desk. He looked up at me. "Don't you have anywhere else to be?"

"I live here, so I don't have to have one," I answered back, going to sit on the couch in front of the fireplace as Stefan started to walk past me, toward Damon.

"You got the hair right," Damon said. I heard something set on the wooden desk. "Why are you giving me Dad's journal?"

I looked over to them. "Because you were looking for it," Stefan said.

"I didn't tell you where it was so you could give it to him," I told Stefan with annoyance, but he was just shrugging, standing up from the couch.

"And why would I want it?" Damon asked, looking at Stefan and me.

"Gee, I don't know, Damon," Stefan said. "Maybe you wanna do a little bit of posthumous bonding." That was a big word. What the hell did it mean? "Go ahead. Enjoy it. Read it. I have. Nowhere in it does it say anything about Katherine or the tomb or how to open it."

"I'm not surprised. The man could barely spell his name."

"Guiseppe's a hard name to spell," I said with a shrug.

"Don't you have any where else to be?"

"Oh, yeah, no, it bugs you when I talk about your dad, but you don't care when you kill mine."

Damon's glare intensified, looking at me with slight confusion that I was even bringing it up, and looking like he'd kill me, but he didn't look mad, and Stefan stopped the fight that was gonna happen with a simple sentence. "I'm really sorry that it," he looked at the journal, "won't be of any help with your diabolical plan, the sequel." Damon smiled bitterly. "You know, I could help you."

"You help me?" Damon asked. "I don't know. It seems a little unnatural."

"I'll do anything to get you out of this town," Stefan said, leaning against the desk. "Even release Katherine."

"What about the other 26 vampires?"

"No, no, they can't come. They have to stay put, but Katherine . . . I would consider that."

"What are you doing? Hmm? What's your angle?"

Stefan shook his head. "Think about it."

Damon scoffed, leaning forward to look back at whatever he was working on. "Why would I trust you?"

"See, that's your problem, Damon. You apply all of your shortcomings to everybody else. If history is any indication, there's only one liar amoung us." Stefan started to walk.away and looked at me. "I'll be at Elena's."

"Okay, I don't care," I said, plopping back down at the couch.

Stefan hadn't even been gone for a minute before his phone started to ring.

Damn stupid forgetful vampires.

"Would you get that?" Damon asked in annoyance.

I rolled my eyes, getting up and walking over and looking at the caller I.D. Of course, it was Elena. I slid the bar over and pressed the phone to my ear. A little bitter tone was evident in my voice. "Stefan's phone. How may I help you?"

"Where is he?" Elena asked.

"He's on his way to you. Forgot his phone."

She sighed. "Thank God. This compass was spinning. Stefan must be here. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I hung up the phone, and Damon said with curiousity, "I wonder if Elena knows that you don't like her."

"It's not that I don't like her," I said. "She's just annoying and somehow, she's everyone's priority . . . Yeah, okay, I don't like her. Wait - why am I telling you this? I hate you."

I turned and walked out of the library as Damon called, "Love you too."

"The vampire that Elena ran over with her car tried to kill her," Damon said. "Stefan and I are gonna kill him tonight. You going to the stupid dance or staying here?"

"Like you said, it's a stupid dance, and I don't care about the vampire, I'm gonna stay here, and why are you even asking?"

"Maybe it's time to bury the hatchet between us."


"All right-y then."

I walked upstairs while he walked toward the door.

I didn't go to dances, and I really did hate Damon.

I didn't see those two changing anytime soon.

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