Chapter 11__Bloodlines

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"Nicola," Stefan called in the morning, running down the stairs of the boarding house - my house.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Have you seen Elena?" Stefan asked.

I shook my head. "No. Why? What's wrong?"

"Uh, nothing, I hope." Before I even blinked, he was upstairs.

Damn vampire speed.

A few minutes later, he was coming back down. "She's with Damon."

"What?" I asked, standing up from the couch. "Why would she be with Damon?"

"I don't know, but I need to figure out where they are." I nodded. "Where would Bonnie be?"

"Where I'm supposed to be," I answered. "In school. If not, I can text you her address."

"Yeah, okay," Stefan said, already walking toward the door. He stopped. "Wait . . . Why aren't you in school?"

I folded my arms across my chest. "Why aren't you?" I countered.

"I have a legitimate reason. You don't."

"Then go carry out your 'legitimate reason' and stop worrying about me."

Stefan, looking unamused, turned away from me and straight to the door, walking out of it and leaving me in a home alone without any vampires in it.

I didn't see him again until dark, when he walked back in. "Bonnie couldn't do the spell to find Elena and Damon, but I think she's gonna be okay from now on."

"Okay . . . ?" I said, making it clear that I didn't really care.

He had walked all the way up to his room, and we didn't speak for the rest of the night.

The next morning, Stefan wasn't the first one I saw, surprisingly.Elena was walking through the front door as I stopped at the bottom of the steps.

"Oh. Insane girl's back," I said, walking around her as she started up the steps.

She turned after me. "Why am I insane, exactly?"

"Leaving with a psychotic vampire like my oldest vampire ancestor," I said simply, turning away and looking at Damon as he gave me an amused 'really' look, and I said, "Oh, hey."

I walked past him, not caring if he thought I shouldn't talk to him that way.

I would talk to anyone in any way I wanted.

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