Chapter 9 - History Repeating

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I was seriously thinking about giving up on school entirely, after these last few months since Stefan and Damon got into town, Damon killing my dad and Stefan's best friend just yesterday, who had gotten me a little out of my shell that I had ducked into after my dad died.

Damon wasn't on anybody's nice list.

Even when my alarm clock buzzed to wake me up, I was left staring at the silver and black clock with green digital numbers. It was 6:11 A.M., and all I wanted to do was go back to sleep, hitting the snooze button one last time, the annoying blaring coming to an end.

As soon as I shut my eyes again, I heard Damon. "Rise and shine." My eyes snapped open. "Gonna be late for school."

"What are you--what are you doing?" I demanded, but it didn't sound like a demand because my voice still sounded tired.

"Well, Stefan already shooed me away after role playing each other, but, now . . . . " He held out a glass. "Peace offering for Zach."

"Go away," I said, standing up and walking to my dresser.

"Come on. Coffee. You need it for some very well needed energy. Does zombie looking girls good." I didn't say anything, starting to.move to the side to get to my dresser, but he blocked my way. "All right, I'm sorry. Not just for Zach but Lexi too."

"Go away," I repeated, more annoyance in my voice this time.

When he didn't move away, I pushed past him to get to my dresser, opening the top drawer and getting out a button up plaid blue and black cute but gothic looking shirt that had the end looking like it had a skirt to it even though it didn't go past my hips to put over my black spaghetti strap pajama shirt.

I put it on as Damon said, "I got the town off of Stefan and my back - Lexi - it was for the greater good, and for Zach . . . Yeah I don't know how to explain that one. But I'm sorry. And, like I told Stefan, to prove it, I'm not gonna feed on a human for at least a . . .week. I'll adopt a Stefan diet. Only nothing with feathers, and I'll even get you some vervain so you don't get compelled or eaten."

I looked back to him as I buttoned up my plaid shirt, with a weird look on my face. "Yeah, I'm not forgiving you on killing my dad, or Lexi, even though I only knew her for a day, and I'm double sure that Stefan won't forgive you on killing his best friend."

Done with the shirt, I turned my head and closed the drawer behind me and walked past Damon to my bed, sitting down and grabbing the flat black boots beside it.

As I picked one up and started to put it on, I said, "But I will take the vervain." I pulled the rest of the boot on, zipping the side of it up, then grabbed the other on and started to repeat the process. "And a new lease, since you destroyed the old one so I couldn't change it and lock you out, making it possible for every vampire who wants to come in here to come in here."

I zipped up the boot, standing up as Damon said, "Yeah, first I can get you, not the second." I had known that was gonna come, not even bothering to roll my eyes. "Because if I get you a new lease, then you will actually lock me out. I know you, and I know you will." I looked to the side, my lips starting to pull up in a centimeter, barely noticeable smirk. "Yeah. Uh-huh. You see that? You know I'm right."

As I spoke, I let out an annoyed sigh. "Okay, you apologized - even if it was very, very badly - you bargained, you told me why you won't have a new lease made . . . you can leave now."

"Okay, Miss Pouty," Damon said, turning for the door, singing the next word. "Bye."

I rolled my eyes, tilting my head to the side as he walked out, slouching against my dresser.

I hated living with vampires.

Apparently, I wouldn't have to for long.

Stefan and Damon were both leaving. After everything - Stefan coming back to start a new life with Elena, trying to make things okay with me and my dad, and Damon torturing and killing several people, manipulating Caroline, turning Vicki into a monster, killing Lexi and my dad . . .

After all of that, they were just gonna leave.

Honestly, I couldn't say that it would be a major loss. I mean, Stefan was good, I grew to like Stefan, but Damon had been the reason my life got screwed up, losing my dad.

I just didn't wanna be like this anymore.

I would live alone, though, in this gigantic house, where I could get a new lease that said someone lived here, and I wouldn't have to invite anyone in . . .

I'd be on my own.

And on my own is what I wanted to be.

I could live with that.

I would have to be able to live with that.

Living on my own without someone here - my dad, Stefan, Damon . . . . That'd be completely new territory for me.

Well, I was ready to start that next chapter of my life.

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