Chapter 6__Lost Girls

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Stefan had gone a while ago, and I was still holding my dad's dead body with him facing away from me, his back in my lap and his head hanging on my arm as I looked down numbly at him, the tears had dried a long time ago.

Finally, my phone buzzing broke me out of my trance.

I moved out of my sitting position, lying my dad gently on the ground before turning away and getting my phone from my pocket, answering Stefan's call.


"Nicola, get out of the Boarding House. Before Damon gets there to stay the day there."

"Why didn't you kill him?" I asked, slowly growing actually human emotions instead of the numb shell I had been for most of the night.

"Because I don't know where he is. Just go, please." I didn't answer for the longest moment, turning back to my dad slowly, looking at him. "Nicola?"


I took the phone away from my ear, my thumb hit the end call button without me thinking about it.

I didn't care if I died anymore. The only family I had were vampires, and one of them had just killed my dad.

Well, no, that was wrong. I did care.

I wanted to stay alive long enough to see Damon die.

"Where are you?" Stefan asked me over the phone while I was driving my car - a black hybrid.

"Driving. Not home," I answered. "I doubt I can ever go home."

"Damon's not gonna hurt you, Nicola, I swear."

There was a long silence, and I heard him sigh. "What's wrong? Other than the obvious."

"He turned someone. Vicki Donovan."


"Listen, I don't want you to worry about this, because you have enough already, but the sun's going down soon. I need to know where you are. Or if you can come to me, because Damon won't think twice about killing you, but you know I'll protect you."

Another silence. Another sigh, this time coming from me. "Where?"

"I'm tracking Vicki now. The old cemetary. I just want to know that you'll stay safe."

"Okay. I'll be there soon."

I hadn't known where Stefan exactly was in the old cemetary, but hearing a gunshot a few yards ahead of me and to the left was a good sign.

I faced that way, looking at the news reporter guy, Logan Fell, shooting Stefan and Vicki Donovan watching in complete confusion.

I was so confused too. Why was the news guy hunting vampires?

Logan tossed the gun to the side and lowered next to Stefan, a stake in his hands. I started to run for them while Vicki screamed, "No!"

I stopped running, a few feet away now as Damon appeared, biting Logan Fell on the neck and drinking until he died, then tossed him aside, turning to Stefan and pulling out the bullet.

"It's wood. They know." He wiped his mouth before going on. "If anyone's gonna kill you, it's gonna be me." He gestured with his hand. "My ring."

Why was Stefan reaching into his pocket and giving Damon his daylight ring?!

Damon took it, putting it on and humming, "Mm-hm."

I looked behind them to Vicki, who was feeding on Logan Fell. "Stop her."

"No!" Stefan said. "No, Vicki."

She pulled up from Logan's body, her face a bloody mess. "I'm sorry."

She turned and started to run.

"Oops," Damon said half-heartedly. He stood, looking at me. "You, on the other hand - "

"Damon, don't," Stefan cut him off.

He rolled his eyes as I took a step back, looking to the ground and picking it up. "Relax. I only kill one family member in a hundred year period."

I was starting to breathe heavier at that comment, hate and loathing coursing through me while I looked at the man that had killed my dad.

Then he disappeared.

Once he was no where in sight, I walked closer to Stefan and put one of his arms over my shoulders and helped him rise from the ground. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I will be," he said before his hand that was over my shoulder grabbed my hand that was holding him. "Someone's coming."

Then he was making us disappear like Damon had, and I watched as all the graves, tomb stones amd trees flashed by before we were at my car.

"Take me to Elena's?"

I rolled my eyes, letting go of him and moving to the driver's seat - my seat, both of us getting in. "Does she know about you now?"

"Yeah. She does."

"Wow," I whispered even though I didn't care, starting the car and pulling away, and he gave me directions to Elena's house. "Dropping you off? Because I don't wanna go home to a place where I could be killed."

"No. Stay here."

Then he was getting out of the car.

He got up to her porch, and she practically ran to him, both of them talking before she was going inside, leaving him there.

When he slowly, very slowly, walked back, he didn't speak the whole ride home.

And when I got us home, I didn't even look at Damon, let alone speak to him.

I just ran up the stairs, holding the railing as I did, and going straight to my room, closing the door and leaning against it, sliding to the floor as I let the tears come out, but no sobs, because I was a 17 year old girl that had knew about vampires her whole life, and had two for ancestors, and one had killed my only human family member.

My dad.

I knew I wasn't gonna get past this very easily.

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