Chapter Nine

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David and Maria stood in the room and hugged for a long while, silent. She rested her head on his shoulder, looking at his dressings and asked if his wounds hurt. "Sind Ihre Wunden schmerzhaft?"

"Viel besser jetzt." He told her much better now, then he looked into her pale green eyes and told her she was absolutely gorgeous, so beautiful. "Sie sind absolut großartig, so schön."

She smiled up at him and blushed. "Du ... Du machst mein Körper kribbeln."

He was pleased he made her body tingle and thought it a good sign.

She blushed more deeply and bit her lower lip. "Ich will mit dir Sex zu haben. Kannst du mir beibringen wie?"

David grinned in amusement at her innocence. Then the reality sunk in. She was asking him to teach her how to have sex.

Oh, God! Is this a dream? A virgin? Need to be gentle with her.

After suggesting they be quiet as they enjoyed, he began unlacing her bodice, and she followed his lead, undressing him. They stood admiring each other for a short while, then they joined in a passionate hug, shuddering as they did. He led her to the bed.

Oh, God! Control, David. Take your time. Ease into this.

He used his hands until she begged for more, telling him she wasn't at the fertile time of her cycle. They conjoined, and after a gentle but passionate twenty minutes, they lay entangled in each other.

She quietly spoke, sharing her story of moving to the Kaiserstuhl just to the west of Freiburg when she was nine in 1905. Her father had seen a promising future growing wine in the complex mix of soils on a volcanic plug at the edge of the Rhein plains. Now he was dead, her brothers too. She missed them, she missed her Unterhallau friends and her grandfather back in Küsnacht.

It was a long and convoluted story. She seemed to be reliving pieces of her past. When it appeared she had finished her catharsis, he asked her where Küsnacht is.

"Lass uns wieder spielen, dann werde ich Ihnen sagen." She said she'd tell him after they played again."

He didn't argue.

Several minutes later, at the height of another orgasm, Maria panted, "Oh God! — So intense!"

"Pleased I can bring you so eas..."

Shit! Slipped into English. Dumb move to be doing this, David. Should have walked away again.

"I knew it." She panted. "Your accent — reminded me of Grandpa in Küsnacht — Knew there was something different about you when you came in last night." She giggled. "Guess that's now the night before last, isn't it?"

"You're British!"

"Mama's parents were. They moved to Switzerland after they were charmed by it on a tour in the early 70s. Mama was born in Küsnacht not long after. They all made me learn English and French, besides the local German. I grew up with it and it's what we speak at home."

"Küsnacht again. Where's that?"

"On the lake six kilometres from Zürich. It's where we're trying to go if we can get out of Germany. Do you know where Zürich is?"

"A big city in Switzerland; the banking capital."

Surely she has no love for Germany after what they've done to her family.

"I'm heading to Switzerland tomorrow."

"But it's impossible to cross the border now. It's closed."

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