Chapter Thirty-Four

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The sun was lighting the tree tops which poked over the slab when David woke on Sunday morning to the sound of church bells from below. He looked at his watch.

Seven o'clock. I slept long again.

Rachel was still asleep beside him, but Maria's spot was empty, though still slightly warm. He sat up and saw her at the stove, got up, walked over to her and kissed her good morning.

"Been up long?" he asked

"Only about five minutes. The tea water will be another seven or eight." She looked down, then up into his eyes with a smile and said, "I see you're up long."

"Just a morning pee hard. No emotion behind it." He looked at his stifness and chuckled. "That's not to say I'm not excited to see you."

"Do you mind if I watch you pee? I'm curious about how it works."

He looked into her eyes.

She's so beautifully innocent. So beautiful. I'll miss her.

He shrugged then tilted his head toward the edge of the slab. "Come." She followed him across.

"Do you always peel it like that? Uncover your head to pee?"

"I guess that's automatic, I don't even think about it. But thinking now, it would be messier leaving it covered. Pee would run around inside, under the foreskin and I'd be quite wet."

As he peed, his stiffness slowly eased, and the flow increased in volume. By the time he had finished, his penis was no longer self-supporting. He shook it, then milked along the length of the underside to push the last of the pee to the end, shook again, slid the skin back over the head and then dropped it.

"That's quite the process."

"I take much longer to pee when I'm stiff. The tube is compressed from the swelling, and the pee comes out rather slowly until the stiffness eases."

"All the shaking and squeezing, I mean. Do you always do that?"

"That too is automatic. I learned early on that if I don't do it thoroughly, I end up with dribbles and wet trousers. There's a lot of draining to do before I tuck myself away." He caught her eyes and grinned. "Besides, it also feels good."

"Men are so different from women, and I sure do love the difference. You have such a nice difference." She giggled, then picked up his dangle and laid it along her hand and up her wrist. "I've heard this is larger than normal." She looked up with an impish grin.

"Completely normal for me." He grinned back and chuckled.

"For me also, I know no other size. I don't want to know any other. I don't want to know any other man. I love you, David. I don't even know the meaning of love, but I certainly know its feelings now. I know it has so little to do with this thing," she said looking down and hefting it. "This is certainly a lovely part of it, but the depth of my love is for your spirit, for your fresh mind, for your inventiveness, for your openness and honesty, for your steadiness, for your acceptance and for your constant optimism. You're a noble man, David. I love you."

She watched his limpness receding across her wrist to her hand, then she took it between her forefinger and thumb lightly, saying, "This is a nice leash. Come, you need to get dressed. The morning is still cool, and you'll catch a chill."

David remained speechless as he was led back across the granite terrace to the sleeping nook. His head was spinning, churning up so many random thoughts, confusing and conflicting thoughts. He was somewhere he had never been. 

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