Chapter Thirty-Six

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Rachel found them still cuddling, Maria sitting on David's lap with her back along his chest, gently rocking her hips as his hands did a slow exploration of her peaks and valleys and their eyes studied the valley floor below them, watching another changing of the guard.

"I'm delighted at how passionately you maintain your watch," she giggled as she walked up behind them and kissed them both on the cheek.

"I heard the four bells a minute ago as I was hobbling down here with tea."

"We almost missed the bells," Maria said, "disguised in our own noise-making. We've been watching the same squad rotation ceremonies in the valley. The last of the relieved squads is almost back at the camp."

"There have been several more soldiers coming and going between the camp and the town," David added, "and again none of them with their rifles."

"You two are so comfortable with each other, so comfortable with your own selves." Rachel smiled at them. "You're so beautiful to watch. When you've finished, there's tea, crispbread and cheese."

"We've finished several times, Mama, we're just sitting here and enjoying each other. I so wish you had someone like David to love you."

"Don't you worry about that, Sweetheart. It will happen. I'll make it happen."

"You'll have to find a non-Kosher man, Mama, someone outside the synagogue. You need a non-mutilated man. I couldn't imagine doing this with a broomstick."

"Maybe I'll have to borrow David." She smiled and giggled.

"Do you want to do that, Mama?" Maria looked at her and then at David. They all looked at each other and laughed. Then they looked again quietly from face to face with expressions a little more serious.

"Would you want to share?" Rachel tilted her head and bit her lip. "It's certainly not a normal thing to share."

Maria looked into David's eyes. "What's normal? Seems like we're back to that again, and back to my curiosity. I'm intrigued — I've never watched." She licked her lips and tilted her head.

David shrugged his shoulders and looked back and forth between the women a few times. "If it's what you both want... Truly want."

Maria lifted herself slowly off David. "He's a bit messy, Mama, let me wipe him off for you." She picked up a towel, tucked one end of it between her lips and closed her legs, and with the other end, she went gently to work on David.

"Let's start with the basics first," Rachel said. "Foreplay is an important part of this entire process. It sets the mood, confirms mutual desire, gets the blood flowing to the right places and prepares the lubrication. It often involves light caresses, gentle massage, kissing, nibbling and licking in non-intimate places."

She ran her eyes over David's body. "Foreplay can be entirely non-physical, softly spoken words, suggestive or erotic body moves. That eye massage you did on Maria at the spa last week was a magnificent example of non-physical. It titillates me on to think about that performance. I would love you to do that to me."

She did a slow, sensuous strip, dropped her trousers, and teasingly undid her shirt buttons, leaving a tail to cover her blond patch, then undraped a breast, shuffled her arm out of one sleeve and let the shirt fall to the granite, all the while watching for him to start thickening.

He took her hand and kissed it, kissed her fingertips, then gently her lips as he led her down onto the cushion of the folded bedrolls.

Rachel lay back, pulled up her knees and let them fall out to the sides, exposing her folds. David knelt at her feet and set his eyes on a slow exploration of her body. He watched her mouth open and her jaw relax, saw the brown rings around her nipples wrinkle even further, watched the nipples extending longer, ran his eyes slowly over the ripples across her lower abdomen and down through the short blond hair. He saw her button sitting proudly out in the complexity of folds.

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