Chapter 6

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I also apologize for the shortness of chapters but the events just split better that way. Thanks.

Adeline's POV

I sat at a cafe outside of Miami while searching for everything and anything about Hydra most of the information I had found was from Steve's time which was hard to believe was only 20 years before I was born. Well when and if I told Steve about my history I was sure as hell going to get grief for calling him old.

I pulled the files out of my bag and read them over again. I plugged in the flashdrive when a folder popped up that wasn't there before. I clicked on it and found a map leading to an address in New Jersey. The map didn't say what the address was for but it hadn't been on the flash drive before. Suddenly another address appeared somewhere in Texas at a large facility. After writing down the addresses I packed everything up and grabbed my duffle and stood up when I noticed two men walk into the cafe looking around. By their presence I could tell they were agents, luckily I still had my mask on so they wouldn't recognize me. The cafe didn't have many exits which meant I would have to walk by them. The agents looked around and I walked passed them with my head down.

"Excuse me, miss."

I froze as one of them put a hand on my shoulder. I turned around facing one of them, "Yes?" I asked.

"Nothing, sorry to bother you," he nodded and I turned back around and as soon as I was out of their sight I bolted. How did they find me? Was it the flash drive? I was going to have to be more careful now. I had asked Steve not to come after me but I knew it was a long shot since he cared too much for me.

Next I found myself on a flight to Dallas to find out what the address led to. I boarded off the plane and got in taxi giving them the address. We pulled up in front of a huge business building so I got out going across the street to a small store and changed into jeans and blazer. I zipped up my boots and left the duffel behind the trash can to come get later. I threw my other bag over my shoulder heading out into the store where I walked into a girl heading to the bathroom as well.

"Wait," the girl said and I looked at her, "You're the girl from the elevator at The Hub, Abigail."

"Jemma?" I asked, "What are you doing here?"

She pulled me inside the bathroom, "I'm here on a mission."

"Me too. I'm trying to get into the building across the street," I answered not really sure why I had told her that.

"I'm undercover in that building, it's a Hydra base," she said softly.

"What? I thought Hydra was dead," I said surprised.

"No, they've been working inside Shield for decades," Jemma answered, "Why do you need to get into the building?"

"I need answers to my past which all started with Hydra," I answered.

"Well how do I know that I can trust you? That you're not a Hydra agent trying to blow my cover?" She asked.

"I guess we're just going to have to trust each other?" I suggested.

"Alright, it will be hard to get you in there but I think I can use the chip in my ID to help make a fake one."

"Thanks Jemma," I said putting a hand on her shoulder. Once she had made me the fake ID she led me across the street to the building where there was a security guard standing at the entrance.

"Just follow my lead," Jemma said under her breath, "Morning Theo."

"That smile, a breath of sunshine in and otherwise dreary morning," Theo smiled at her, "Who's your friend?"

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