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I begin to tell him everything as I realise I couldn't feel any worse than I already do.

"Yeah he told me that part." He sighs.

I can only nod my head, I can't speak anymore.

"He told me that he ran into her in the lounge room and got beer all over her top so she asked him to help clean it off in the laundry. After that they went outside near the hallway and she just kept talking to him. She wouldn't keep her hands or eyes off of him, but he thought she was pretty intoxicated. And then Katie got distracted by something which was you. That's when he turned around. He told me he didn't recognise you at first, he was rather gobsmacked when he realised who you were."

"I don't care." I murmured bluntly.

I hear Zach sigh next to me, "I know you still have a crush on him. You told me you didn't, I should've known better. I just don't want you getting hurt. And now you've been hurt, but by Katie. Not Harry. And I can't protect you from your best friend."

"She's not my friend, and I don't have a crush on him after tonight." I mutter in disgust.

I stand up and walk over to my draws pulling out my pyjamas.

"Either way, I'm glad you're home and safe. Also, we are going over to the Styles tomorrow night...technically tonight since its 4:00 in the morning, for a barbecue. Just letting you know." He smiles gently.


"Goodnight Livvie."

"Goodnight Zachary."

He laughs and walks out of the room. I change into my pyjamas, walk down to the bathroom and wash my face. After brushing my teethe I tiptoe back to my room and fall asleep as quickly as possibly so I can forget this night for a little while.

I sleep in until 3:00pm in the afternoon, surprised that my dad hadn't come in to awaken me. I jump out of bed, not even bothering to check my phone, and walk down stairs to a very delicious smell coming from the kitchen.

"Good afternoon sweet pea. How was your night." Mum grins.

"It was great." I say while forcing a fake smile.

"Get up to any mischief?" Dad interrogates.

"Nope." I murmur, lost in thought.

"Well I thought you might be hungry, so I made you salmon for a late lunch before we go over to the Styles for dinner. Also, Katie came over and asked me to go get her clothes out of your room. She seemed really off." Mum informs me with confusion.

"Thanks mum, and do I have to go to the Styles? Also, I don't know I didn't really see her all night." I lie.

"Oh that's odd, and yes you do, Anne wants to catch up with you and she seems rather keen about it." She smiles.

"Fine." I give in.

I enjoy the salmon since I hadn't eaten for a fair while. We leave to go to the Styles house at 5:30pm and it's already 4:00pm so I decide to take a shower. I wash my hair and brush my teeth. I decide to wear a maroon little dress with long sleeves and a black belt around the waist. Then I lightly wave my hair and apply minimal makeup. I throw on some black strappy sandals, grab my phone and walk down the stairs to see mum tying dads tie.

"Oh honey you look gorgeous!" Mum exclaims.

"Thanks, likewise. Where's Zach?" I ask.

"He's already over there." She smiles.

"Okay, well, I'm ready when you guys are."

"Then let's go it's already 5:30pm!" Dad laughs.

We get into the Range Rover and make our way over to the Styles residence. The closer we get, the sicker I feel. When we pull into their driveway my palms begin to sweat. Dad turns off the ignition and hops out of the car. He then walks around to mums door and opens it for her. Before mum gets out turns to me.

"Are you coming?" She smiles.

"Uh yep." I sigh.

"Is everything alright?"

"Life couldn't be better." I mutter, forcing a smile.

I hop out of the car and we head towards the door. Dad rings the doorbell twice and within seconds Anne and Robert are standing before us. Dad and Robert shake hands, mum and Anne hug. We stand here like this for a small amount of time while everyone hugs one another. Harry and Zach are no where to be seen.

"Hi Liv," Anne smiles, "you look lovely tonight."

Blushing I reply, "thank you Anne."

Anne invites us inside to the lounge room and the memories begin to flood in. Both parents engage in conversation and I zone out almost immediately. I look around to find many photo frames of Harry and his family. He's grown up so much. All of a sudden I can hear voices coming from upstairs. The voices gradually get louder and then Zach comes from around the corner, followed by Harry.

"Hi Harry! It's good to see you again!" Mum smiles whilst jumping up off the couch and giving him a hug, meanwhile dad follows to give him a handshake.

"Mr and Mrs Smith it's so great to see you again. It's been too long." He smiles brightly.

"Oh yeah hey mum and dad." Zach remarks sarcastically.

Mum and dad roll their eyes, then I avert my attention back to Harry.

He quickly spots me on the couch and his eyes don't leave me he speaks.

"Hello Olivia. It's nice to see you." He smiles gently.

It's not nice to see you, man wh*re.

I can't physically form a coherent sentence, so I make some sort of pathetic noise and subtly roll my eyes.

He looks like he's about to walk towards me and hug me but I turn my head away and focus on twiddling my thumbs. I hear Robert cough awkwardly in the background. Clearly they can feel some sort of tension.

"Alrighty who's hungry?" Robert breaks the silence.

"I am!" Everyone replies in unison, except me.

Everyone files out the door but Zach's stays behind.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

"Yeah I just don't really know how to act around him." I sigh.

"Well I feel as though everyone knows somethings going on so try and act casual okay?" Zach suggests.

"Fine." I groan.

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