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It takes around five minutes to get to there. There is a lot of traffic on the road and they all seem to be going in the same direction: Brad's. Katie winds down the window and informs me that she can literally here the music blasting from the car. We finally turn down the road which is on the edge of town. It's better further out of town so the neighbors won't call the cops and complain. The party lights can be seen from the intersection into the street, and I can see people on the road dancing and whatnot. I find a park three houses down from his, the road is packed with cars. Katie and I begin to grow very excited. We make our way to his front lawn and are instantly handed with red cups filled with god knows what. So far, I can't recognize any of Zach's friends, but we have the whole house to explore. The house is rather huge, that's all I can tell by standing out on the lawn. I hear a familiar voice which I don't like, as I turn around I see the group of girls a year younger than us that were talking about Harry in the cafeteria. My stomach twists in disgust as I look at what they're wearing. Surely Harry wouldn't get involved with that.

"Ready to go inside?" Katie smirks.

With a sigh I reply, "as ready as I'll ever be."

"Once you get a few drinks into you, you'll be as happy as larry." She smiles.

"Well what are we waiting for?" I laugh.

We begin making our way into the house and to say that its packed to the brim would be an understatement. Kids from high school, and college are swarming everywhere. The atmosphere is hyped up and I grow even more excited. Katie grabs my hand and leads me to the kitchen. It's been five minutes and the first guy has already tried to harass me. I try my hardest to ignore numerous crude comments.

"Damn sugar. Whats it like under that tight little skirt?"

"Geez let me tap that ass."

"Check out the chest on her!"

"I'll take a piece of that sweet ass."

"Bro checkout Zach's sister! She looks bangin'!"

I feel disgusting. I regret wearing this outfit. I can't even begin to imagine Zach's reaction. Dirty college boys trying to grab me like I'm a piece of meat.

"Katie, I feel like I need to change into something else.." I shout in her ear.

"What? Don't be ridiculous! C'mon Liv, they're drunk and horny. Boys don't have enough blood in their body to function both heads...if you know what I mean." She explains, trying to calm me down.

"Fine. But don't me shocked if I knock them all out." I smile innocently.

"Well tell me when you're about to, because I want to see." She grins back.

"Done deal amigo, now get me a drink." I demand playfully.

We finally get to the kitchen after pushing through hundreds of dancing people. We find two UDL's in a big bucket of ice which I assume anyone can take, and make our way to the backyard. Katie and I gasp when we see a DJ up on a stage with massive decks. There's a pool, and everything else you could ever imagine.

"Brad has really outdone himself." Katie yells while admiring whats displayed before us.

I can only nod in agreement because I  am also trying to comprehend how amazing the setup is. I search the crowd for my brother, his friends, or Harry, but he is still no where to be seen. I can't complain though, because it's only been half an hour. Katie grabs my hand again and takes me down the steps to where everyone is dancing. I can feel boys eyes practically burning into my skin and I find myself pulling my skirt down and yanking my shirt up. A guy walks past Katie and grabs her bum. She squeals with shock and turns around to see who it was, but he was already lost in the crowd. We make our way to the front of the crowd, right in front of the small stage. I don't know who the DJ is but he has some really good music. I watch in amusement as Katie begins to sway along to the music and I can't help but follow along. The alcohol, people, lights and music all mixes into one amazing atmosphere and I begin to feel Harry slowly fade away in my mind. Who knows? Maybe he decided to not show up, because I haven't seen Zach either. When a new song comes on, the DJ turns on the fog machine, spraying fog out onto the crowd. It looks so cool, everyone began cheering louder for more. I could barely see Katie through the fog. The more I drank, the less I felt, but I was running out of alcohol fast and I needed more to keep my mind off of him.

"Oi, I need another drink!" I shout to Katie.

"Let's go then amigo!" She laughs while spinning around again.

This time I take Katie's hand and start pulling her through the people, we're almost out of the endless crowd of people when I feel a set of greasy hands grab my behind. Whoever it is pulls me into them so their crotch his rubbing against my bum.

"Your ass caught my attention, I couldn't help but feel it." I hear a deep, slurry voice whisper in my ear.

I'm frozen in place from shock as he tries to grind behind me. I turn around to lock eyes with an unfamiliar face. He looked too old to be here, he smirks at me and then looks down at my chest.

"What the f*ck did you just say to me?" I shout.

"Oh baby, don't be like that." He grins.

"I swear to god if you come near me again tonight I'll shove your balls down your throat. Would you like that?" I whisper in his ear.

He stands there, silent and in shock. I give him an innocent smile and walk back to Katie who is also standing there in disbelief.

"What just happened?" She gasps.

"Just another guy who doesn't have enough blood in his body to function his two heads." I shrug.

"I feel like this alcohol has given you plenty of confidence." Katie laughs.

I give her a cheesy smile and link arms with her, leading her back up onto the porch and inside. Inside the house is completely packed, yet still no Harry to be seen.

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