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I wake up to another knock on the door. It's way too early for this.

"Hey kiddo, you awake?" I hear dad call through the door.

"I am now." I groan.

"Oh good! Your mother made these crazy amazing organic pancakes and she told me to come and get you." He replies.

"I'll be right down." I sigh.

I hear him laugh as he walks down the hallway. I slowly stand up and make my way to my wardrobe to dress myself. It's a Sunday, so I'm thinking tights and a baggy t-shirt. Perfect. After tripping over a biology textbook, I make my way down stairs and plonk down onto my usual chair.

"You look like a peasant this morning Liv." Zach laughs.

"Cheers big ears." I remark whilst rolling my eyes.

"Dig in Livvie, hopefully you like these pancakes. I grabbed organic ones instead of the normal ones by accident." Mum grins.

"That is absolutely alright mum, also, I'm going to go for a drive out to the waterfalls for a run." I inform her.

"Yeah no worries, that'll be nice. Why don't you go with her Zach?" Mum suggests.

"Me? Outdoors? Tempting, but no." Zach smirks.

Mum rolls her eyes, in fact, I think we all do. I dig into a pancake and it's actually pretty fantastic. After finishing up, I help mum with the dishes and walk back upstairs, checking my phone to find that there's a text from Katie.

Katie: Heyooo, there's a party at Brad's on Saturday night. Are you in? I'm sure Harry wouldn't miss it ;)

It's like a miracle. This gives me the ability to dress up to the max, and see my dream guy in the same night. What are the chances?

Me: Do you really think he will go?! Either way, I'm down :D

Katie: Yasssss girl, get keen!

I chuck my phone onto the bed and squeal with excitement. And I continue to squeal with excitement as I wash my face, brush my teeth, put an exercise shirt on, put my nikes on, grab my car keys, walk down the stairs, say goodbye to mum and dad, and get into my car.


My run up through the hills to the waterfall is simply amazing, before I know it I'm back home kicking my nikes back off, and jumping onto my bed.

For the rest of my Sunday I decide to finish up my biology and industrial graphics homework, and clean up my room. The pile of my clothes seems to never end as I spend hours folding and putting away, vacuuming, wiping, cleaning my makeup bench and sorting out my books. Once satisfied, I head down to the dinner table once again and dig into mums famous lasagne. After my shower, I sort my school bag out for tomorrow and jump into bed.


The alarm goes off at 5:00am in the morning. It's pretty early right? That's because I like to go for a run to clear my head every Monday morning. It sounds kind of lame, but it helps reduce my stress levels...a lot. It takes me about twenty solid minutes to actually get out of bed, and then another ten to get changed, I look over at my makeup bench...should I? Just a little coverage? You never know who you're going to see on the streets.

Olivia please pull your head in, you're going for a god damn run. My subconscious scolds me.

It's a painful process waking up at this hour of the morning. Another set of workout gear on and my new nikes and I'm ready to go. I grab my phone and my earphones, its always easier with music. When I open the front door I'm greeted with a chilly wind, so I begin jogging straight away to warm myself up. I begin making my way around Redditch, making random choices wherever I go. I find myself at the corner of Harry's old house; which I believe they're moving back into.

Should I go down there just for a bit of reminiscing?

Before I know it my feet are in charge of direction and I'm jogging down towards his house. I haven't been down here literally since I was eleven, so a small reminder of his house won't hurt right? The closer I become, the more memories would flash by of how our families would get together and have barbecues here all the time. As I get even closer I purposefully slow down my pace so I can have a good inspection. Bad mistake. Oh no. This is not happening.

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