Part 7

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A rough hand pressed down upon smooth alabaster skin, a series of husky moans erupted out from the ranger's mouth, his grey oculars scanning over the pure white canvas of the elf's back. Not a single mark laced his skin, no scars, no bruises nothing but a soft glow and his large calloused hand Legolas was baring all for Aragorn all of it.
He knew what the archer was giving up, how much his father cursed them and in time Aragorn would need to make a choice to either keep this love burning....or extinguish it so Legolas' can lead his people into a new age.

Aragorn's hand pumped the throbbing length of his other half, his body thrusting harder each movement making the elf squirm bellow him, begging turned to moaning he felt Legolas' length stiffen under his fingers..he was close so close to releasing, this produced a smile upon the ranger's lips as he thundered is hips into the other, his own build up slowly coming to a short close.
Pulling Legolas' length skyward making the elf come to a stand , his lips offering out the sweetest gasp as his back pressed to his beloved's, Aragorn's lip lining sweet kisses along the shoulder line of his prince to the base of his neck his voice a sweet rasp almost inaudible "Legolas' I am close and ask that you cum for me N'ya Mil" obediently the elf slid his head to the side leaning it back against the other's his azure eyes closing to the world around them.

A strained groan breached the archer's lips his hot seed spilling to Aragorn's hand, the slick liquid coating his length as the ranger rubbed it up and down. Harshly bending the elf back down his knees hitting the hard wooden desk as the ranger hammered into him for the last few times, on the final thrust he gave a shudder Aragorn's cum filling him to the brim, one movement Aragorn released himself from the confines of Legolas' ass reaching his clean hand up to wipe away the beads of glistening sweat that lined his brow, a coy smile spreading across his face as he stood back observing his shaking better half.

The elf pulled himself from the desk, a wince flashed across his features as he turned around to face Aragorn in all his naked glory, the ranger's chest was rising and falling rapidly, beads of sweat lined down his glorious body as he stared back his member still erect but slowly going down"N'ya mi.." Legolas could only usher those words and Aragorn whispered them back, his grey oculars taking in the elf's face. Crossing the threshold to the wrap his arm's around the elf the ranger pressed a kiss to his forehead
"Legolas...never have I been so happy to give my heart to someone as amazing as you...."

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