Part 8

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Legolas stirred from his slumber, azure hues adjusting to the sleeping mass beside him a sleeping Aragorn with long brown tresses covering his face,
the archer smiled at his content partner his face at peace with the wild dreams that ran inside his mind. Manovrering his body carefully from the bed
trying not to wake Estel the archer stretched his aching joints a supressed yawn silently creeping past his pale lips.
"Good morning N'ya mil" hearing the voice behind him the archer chuckled lowly, nothing ever escaped Aragorn he was too much of a light sleeper and always on guard
"Good morning my did you sleep?" grey oculars scanned over azure ones, a sleepy grin pulling at the ranger's features as he propped himself up wincing only a small bit
at the pain that erupted from his wound but even as it hurt not it was worth the sex that they had last night
"I slept good my love, excellent actually, but I am afraid we must leave for Rivendell for no time could be wasted"
Nodding his head once Legolas dressed in his light green tunic and leggings, leaving out the armor for once it was not needed upon this trip
packing spare robes and clothing the prince sighed, he could not wait to get away from this place of horrors and misery as much as he loved his home things were starting to
become complicated. Thranduil had found more reasons to clash with his son more reasons to hate Aragorn and men in general.

Losing himself to deep thought he failed to feel Aragorn's arms wrap around his waist the ranger mumbling sweet words to his lover's ears
"Pray tell me...what troubles you N'ya mil?" with a gentle squeeze of his arms Legolas was brought back from the abyss of thoughts that swam in his head
azure hues became soft and filled with love as he pressed his head back against his lover's shoulder.
"Just my father's words of warning that trouble me..come dress we shall set out as soon as possible I wish to hear why Lord Elrond has sent for me so suddenly" Aragorn was thankful Legolas could not
see the large grin growing across his face, the elf was surely in for a shock when they reached Rivendell.
An hour it took to grab their things together Legolas loading his horse up with his pack and spare arrows, he made sure never to run out of them ever again after the last time!
swinging a leg onto the buckle of his horse hoisting himself up he almost yelled out in pain, he'd not realised that the pain he'd experience the next day would be so great!
"something wrong my love?"
"you can get that grin from your face Aragorn" Legolas shot a deathly glare to his lover which only made him chuckle more, reaching a hand to pat the side of Brego Aragorn could only smile
they we're heading to see Lord Elrond and the twins to be greeted with no troubles for once in their life.
Spurning the horses to life one riding after the other the duo pasted each guard, each one saying farewell to the prince but none to the ranger this did not strike him as odd not many welcomed
Dunedain into their homes and not expecting no trouble to follow close behind it.

Wind whipped the elf's hair back, he galloped his horse through the open terrain a large beaming smile graced his face he felt so free so careless no one was watching his actions,
no one was judging him giving him dispproving looks only Aragorn...only his Estel giving him a heartbreaking smile watching the elf gallop circles around him, even his horse seemed happy and at it's best.
Coming to a canter beside his lover a hand quickly sweeping a strand of hair from his face Legolas smiled
"Legolas...I know your father hates our relationship and I can understand why he dislikes me..but say something ever happened to us in the future..if we we're to part with each other
I want you to find someone else I want you to bare children, carry on your legacy please for me?" Aragorn's words hung heavy between them, his heart felt like it was breaking but the ranger dared not say anything at all
he could only look at the archer's face watching the hurt cross those beautiful features but it was to be expected.
"H-How can you ask me such a thing?...yes I know I need to carry on my father's legacy and make one for myself but I do not wish for us to part, I will sacrifice crown and title for you, even become a rogue elf if I must...
Aragorn you ask a heavy thing from me you ask me to foresake the heart you wanted so hurt it so that I feel nothing?" hurt crossed those deep blue eyes Legolas turned his gaze was true that Legolas had a duty
to achieve to become a king and lead his people to greatness but he did not want to do it, he did not want to give up the only thing that made him smile from the crack of dawn to the eve of night.

What was he going to do?...give up his love or give up his people? this was a battle Legolas had waged within himself, something he could not really run away from his heart was breaking so many people died for him in wars that were waged to protect him
so many lost their lives in endless battles and he swore an oath to protect them under the eyes of his father. But there was Aragorn the only person he could really open up to , be himself and not wear the title of the prince...but Aragorn also had a duty he was soon to be king, he had to
bare children to carry on the line of was true both of them had no sucessors to excel them so that was also a bother to them, all of this weighed deeply upon Legolas' heart, so when the time came would they part or remain?
would he turn his back on his people and be shamed for his long years....he just did not know.

Legolas never answered Aragorn's question but merely kept silent and at that Aragorn did not ask that question for the remainder of the ride.

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