Part 4

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"By Valar what have I done!?" Legolas gave himself an inward kick he had shot down Aragorn shot down his beloved, tears threatened to spill from his sapphire eyes in his delirious state. Reaching up to wipe them away he could not lose hope not yet Aragorn was not going to die but
if the wound was not healed he would have a very nasty infection that could fester.

The ride back to Lasgalen was a grueling one Legolas' mind thought of nothing but punishment for himself, for his actions. The prince had deeply wounded the love of his life it had now only sunk in he'd made a fatal error, the oak gates creaked open all riders entering the inner sanctum, Legolas barely let his horse stop as he threw himself off the saddle.

His boots hitting the floor bellow him
"Take him to my chambers! send for a healer now" coldness dripped from his words as he addressed the guards, no elf dared disobey him.

Legolas took after the men carrying Aragorn to his chamber, the prince told them to leave once he was set down

"Legolas tis but a scratch" Aragorn's eyes shone to the elf but all he could see was pain, Legolas had shot him down with a murderous intent! Something that he had never done before. Wrecked with guilt Legolas could not bring himself to look into the grays of his beloved let alone allow sweet words to sweep away his wrong doing.

"Nay Aragorn it must be seen to, let me see it" carefully freeing the fabric from Aragorn's chest the elf let out a sigh it was not as bad as he thought it was, it could be sown up and it would heal in a matter of days. But the elf refused to allow himself to get off lightly , it was all too painful that something like this had happened if Legolas had not been so angry
at his father the arrow would have fallen short of it's mark. But because rage had infected his mind he had drawn the bow string back more than it should have gone.

The archer heard the healer enter he was glad he was alone and did not bring company, if Thranduil knew a mortal was in Lasgalen things were sure to become hostile. The healer checked the ranger over before setting to work cleaning and patch
up the wound and all Legolas could do was pace the floors not baring to look at Aragorn until a husked voice broke him from his concentration 

"Mellonin...come sit with me speak with me tis but a scratch I am ok" Legolas could not help but turn his head to face him, that subtle smile placed upon his features as he thanked the healer, Legolas felt the pain in his heart to see the other
so...fragile his father's words ringing in his mind

"He is mortal...they live a very short life"

Legolas strolled to his bed sitting close to the other, his head slid into his hands as he shook his blonde hair

"I am sorry...I did not know it was you and I hurt you" Legolas felt a gently touch to his shoulder as husky words broke into his ears, the touch reaching to his wrist to pull it away to show the elf's gentle glistening tears slide down his cheeks

"Legolas you could not have known it was me, I came to find you we are needed by lord Elrond he would like you to come to Rivendell it is of the most importance" Sapphire eyes stared into stormy gray the elf's brows knitted together to ask a question but was silenced by a rough tug to his wrist moving the other to one knee on the bed.

Stormy gray and Sapphire stared at each other again like the dark clouds before the rain, Aragorn's hands coming up to caress his lover's face, that heart eating smile forming on his lips again as he leaned up to place the gentlest of kisses to the elf's lips, this made Legolas groan a fire was burning in his soul he felt his body becoming numb to his brain as he slid a hand across Aragorn's groin causing
the other to moan.

Aragorn's hands moved again pulling the archer's tunic off, his flawless alabaster skin catching the low light of the candles that lit his room, golden hair spilling over his shoulders to his ribcage, Aragorn let out a strained breath 

"Beautiful..." Legolas could feel pride building inside his chest, Aragorn had always called the other beautiful in one way or another but this time he truly believed it. Carefully removing the bloodied shirt from the other, tracing his slender fingers over the now stitched wound his heart pained to see such a sight, Aragorn shooed his hands away bringing the archer
down heavily ontop of him, a grunt springing forth from both their lips until Legolas moved his head to lay a sweet kiss upon the mortal.

Legolas nipped at the other's bottom lip, slowly and slyly sticking his tongue inside, the hot wet organ gliding with Aragorn's as he pinned his hands to the side of his head, Legolas loved being in charge but loved it more when his lover was in charge of him. But with his wound Legolas didn't dare to give his lover more, Legolas let go of Aragorn's hand letting it slowly glide down his chest to the hidden parts of the man's parts when a sharp grab was made from a stranger's hand.

"Legolas!" The shout was bitter and cold, the prince turned his head to see the King gripping his wrist, those icy blue hues cut into him like a sword, swallowing hard he stuttered not able to form together a sentence, Aragorn's cheeks had  flushed red under Thranduil's gaze both of them had some hard explaining to do.

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