Part 10

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Legolas refused to speak to Aragorn on their way back to the cave the elf's anger burning him up from the inside out, he could not look at the man he pledged his life to the man who had wronged him in such a way that Legolas did not want to sleep in the same cave with him. Entering their make shift shelter Legolas strode straight to the bed he had prepared upon the floor not daring to even look over his shoulder to his ex lover.
"Legolas..please I am sorry it was a mistake a foolish mistake please N'ya Mil speak to me..."
Legolas did not turn around he merely closed his eyes and cut off his sense to keep Aragorn's voice from breaking his heart all together even more.
Aragorn let out a frustrated sigh the ranger moved back to sit beside the fire , his grey oculars searching the embers for a prayer of some sort his hand running up through his brown locks as he watched the elf ignore him. He knew deep down into his heart that this would not be forgive so easily and that Legolas' rage would take some time to cool away, removing his body from the embers to take first watch at the cave entrance he vowed not to awaken Legolas until the storm has passed.

*The Morning*

Morning had broken, the smell of damp earth dulled the elf's senses as he opened his eyes to greet the cold cave wall, with a light sigh Legolas pulled himself from the bed roll to find Aragorn outside the cave entrance ready to leave a small smile pressed to the ranger's face. Legolas shot him a deathly glare his dreams had been filled with Aragorn and Glorfindel their hands roaming each other's bodies, there tongues meshing into each other's mouths and it made him sick to his core.
"Come Legolas we must make haste to Rivendell" Aragorn's grey eyes settled upon the other his  heart breaking from no contact at all, Legolas grabbed his equipment walking out into the awakened wet world his hands running along the horse's visage.

Legolas took the reigns from Aragorn scowling at the contact of his hands, right now the ranger repulsed him all the elf wanted to do was crawl down a hole and die, both hoisted themselves onto their beasts breaking the animals into a trot along the forest, the hooves squelching with the contact of the wet earth beneath them. Aragorn attempted many attempts to make light conversation with the elf but each of them cut down by the Archer's silence to his questions until Aragorn finally let out a defeated breath and ceased to speak , Rivendell was not far from the duo's ride and it dawned upon Legolas they were going to Rivendell...home of Lord Elrond and to Glorfindel..
Halting his horse to a stop his deep azure eyes resting upon the back of the other his words sounding out angry and pained.
"I shall not set foot into Rivendell...I shall not go to the home of the man my lover slept with.." Legolas felt the rage inside of him welling up again, his icy features becoming more clear as he sat upon his horse.

"Legolas please you must come to Rivendell, Lord Elrond sent for you himself please do not let my mistake make Lord Elrond wait..." Sincerity laced the grey eyes of Aragorn but Legolas would not be swayed not now and not for a long time, he could not be in the home of Imaldris with Aragorn nor Glorfindel for Legolas' heart could not take it, Shaking his golden head his locks of gold moving with his motions he took hold of the reins again having one last glimpse at his lover.

"Legolas...the real reason Lord Elrond has invited you is for we could all sit down and speak of what had happened between myself and Lord Glorfindel please I wish to make amends and so would Glorfindel please.." Legolas opened his mouth to speak but his words came out a lot colder than intended
"You wish of me to attend a meeting with your "Secret" lover yet you knew I would say no but to tell me when we were at Rivendell to try and make other's sway my mind? I think not...and not dearest Aragorn it pains me to say that our company shall part here I wish not to carry this road with you nor shall I be near you, send kind regards to lord Elrond..." Aragorn opened his mouth to retaliate, his eyes wet with tears his eyes begging the elf not to leave but no words would form.

Legolas gave the traditional Elvin goodbye crossing an arm over his chest bowing his head, no words came from Aragorn the ranger was too stunned to say anything, true they had broken their bonds of love in the forest and now it was official Legolas was leaving.
"I loved you Aragorn...I betrayed my people, my father to chase you into a happily ever after and now it was all for naught...I bid you farewell forever more. Do not seek me for I shall hide from your sight with every means never to be found again" Legolas took one last look at the rugged ranger and then he was gone.
Steering his horse away from the other riding away to the west his golden hair catching the sun like a blazing arrow, he was glad that Aragorn could not see his teary face or that his breaths became shallow and stuck in his throat as he tried to remain his composure but he was crumbling like old stones under pressure.

When Legolas could no longer be within Aragorn's sight the ranger let out a strangled scream, tears gracing his cheeks as he threw his head forwards, his long brown hair lightly kissing his face he wept, he wept as his horse steered to Rivendell to his home and away from Legolas forever...or was it really for forever?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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