Part 9

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Rain hammered the plains, Thunder echoed over head , the elf and the ranger had taken shelter in the very cave they had been attacked by a Warg. Having built a fire and eaten graciously the pair sat together having mindless conversations , Legolas' eyes grew lighter from the embers of the fire the warmth from is filling his body he was still thinking of the words Aragorn spoke to him about finding another should they part ways , but he hoped that day would never come hoped that it would not split the bond they had formed together.
Aragorn's dark grey's searched the elf's face their conversation had died from his silence, his azure eyes seemed to be searching something as if pondering a long forgotten memory etched into his mind, Aragorn's heart weighed heavy there was a secret he was hiding from Legolas one he had hoped would stay long buried. But looking upon the elf's face hurt Aragorn's heart he could not keep this from his lover, he could not look directly into his eyes and lie to him.

"Legolas...there is something I need to tell you" Azure eyes shot to the ranger, a small apologetic smile sorry that his mind had taken him elsewhere, a dull ache thrust itself through Aragorn's heart now he was sure he had to tell the other what had happened when Legolas went back to his father's side.
Standing to walk to the elf kneeling in front of his beloved his grey oculars holding a deep set pain his words became soft almost a hushed whisper.
"Legolas...I must tell you something that I have done and...I pray to Valar...that you will forgive me for my wrong doings to you" A fierce dread shot through Legolas, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on edge, something was wrong and he wished not to know but Aragorn needed to tell him to set his heart at peace.

"Legolas...w-when you left me at Imaldris for a long time..I grew lonely and my feelings became long outbursts of rage that I could not control...I tried to find something to occupy my mind but alas there was nothing. O-One day I took a trek north just a simple ride with Lord Glorfindel..we stopped at a large lake of water and spoke of what was to pass from this world. It was a hot day we'd decided to dip into the lake..h-he was so beautiful not as beautiful as you N'ya Mil...but it all happened so fast we we're crushing our bodies together, kissing a-and then it happened we had sex in the water...I am s-So-"

Aragorn's words were cut short, Legolas recoiled his head in disgust from his lover's hands a look of hatred placed upon it, he could not believe what he was hearing Aragorn had slept with another? true it was also hard for him but he dared not touch another man let alone sleep with one. Legolas felt hurt , betrayed that the man he had exchanged such a deep commitment to had bedded another.
"Please Legolas forgive me I..I" Shaking his head in disbelief the archer stood backing away from the ranger, the pain doubling in his chest as if someone was squeezing it from working, his breaths became shallow, tears threatened to brim in those brilliant blue oculars but he refused to cry here. Grabbing his quiver, bow and knives Legolas turned and left the cave the last thing Aragorn was was the back of his silver head as Legolas took off into the storm.

Legolas broke into a sprint, jumping fallen trees, rocks and anything else that was in his path being careful not to slip upon the wet surface, hot tears traced the prince's pale face they shone like little stars in the darkness that soon vanished with each step. Legolas could not believe that Aragorn had slept with another and of all the people it was Glorfindel an Elf he respected greatly, a Elf of great talent, yes his body was taunt with muscles and he was a keen fighter but Aragorn had never shown much interest in him other than to train.
Letting his body stumble through a connectivity of thick trees and bushes the elf came to a stop, his legs aching from the sudden sprint without a time to adjust from sitting to standing to sprinting.

Legolas sat with his soaked hair handing over his shoulders he had chosen to sit against an old pine tree, it's pines all since scattered and turned brown upon the forest floor, an eerie silence ushered along the surroundings of the elf, his ears picking up on movements by small creatures nothing threatening on his radar. Breathing out the breath he had held in from leaving the cave he heard it shake, each breath becoming a cry from his pale lips. Legolas was not one for showing emotions but when he did it felt like his entire being was shattered, long painful cries erupted from the elf's mouth he had sacrifice a lot for Aragorn a lot to be faithful, to be kind and disobey his father. He went against his people was set on abandoning his heart was was unsure if he could go on loving the ranger like he use to.

Deep azure eyes cast upwards to the sky, the rain hammering down upon his fine features, the forest looked bleak and dead against the weather he prayed that it would pass soon so he could leave Aragorn's side.

"Legolas...N'ya Mil please make yourself known, these woods are not safe and I wish to amend what I have done...please..."
Legolas swallowed thickly...he knew what he had to do calling out to Aragorn hearing the hammer of his feet come in his direction he stared up to see the ranger. A small smile graced his lips to see the archer unharmed his body soaked from searching for his elf in the midst of the storm, but something struck Aragorn as odd...Legolas' face had taken on an icy expression, his eyes emotionless, his lips forming a thin line as he stood to greet the other Aragorn opened his mouth to express how sorry he was for hurting the man he loves.

Legolas raised a hand to silence the blubbering ranger, he opened his mouth to speak cold words laced with ice, each one like a stab upon the ranger's heart.
"Aragorn...we are no longer lovers I wish to discard of our feelings for one another..I cannot trust you and cannot trust that you will not do this again, when we are parted from one another so for the sake of my heart that is already hurting I wish for us to carry on as just friends..."
Aragorn's eyes brimmed with tears he brought his rough hands to cradle the other's face muttering the word no more times than he should of, Legolas reached his hands's up prying them from his face still holding that cold expression he had used for many years. Letting go of the ranger's hands to turn away slowly making his way back to the cave he signaled for Aragorn to follow the rain battering down on the duo which dampened their hearts more.

What Aragorn did not see was the tears that heavily fell from the archer's face.....

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