Part 17

227 19 2

Ilhoon's pov
Naeun , Beast is also move like us . We'll be same company again with Doo Joon . Omggg

Naeun's pov
Why one by one follow us move to here?

Ilhoon's pov
Mollayo ..
Doo Joon is Beast leader you know right?

Naeun's pov
Of course i know oppa , Apink and Beast is so close to each other oppa . I even do same drama with Doo Joon together . As a couple . But i always rejecting his conversation . Even we do a project togethet , collaboration .

Ilhoon's pov
So , You're closer with BTOB or Beast??

Naeun's pov
BTOB oppa is jjang *applause*

Sung Jae's pov
Naeun , i will treat you after tommorow shoot . Deal??

Naeun's pov
Okay oppa , deal .


A few minutes later ......

Sung Jae's pov
Naeun, we're arrive now .

Ilhoon's pov
SungJae , i will wait you at 1st floor okay?
Kajja naeun

SungJae's pov
Okay hung , i'm going to park my car now .
See you laterr . Bye naeun , see you tommorow

Naeun's pov
See you tommorow oppa , thanks for the drive .
Anyeong. Kajja ilhoon oppa


At elevator .

Ilhoon's pov
Which floor are you going Naeun?

Naeun's pov
I'll go to 7th floor oppa?

Ilhoon's pov
7th floor? But , i think your car key is at 4th floor isn't it??

Naeun's pov
Yes, it is oppa .

Ilhoon's pov
So why you're going to 7th floor?
7th floor is practice room right?

Naeun's pov
Yes , i want to practice my dance and my acting for tommorow.

Ilhoon's pov

Naeun's pov
Of course , so did anyone besides me??

Ilhoon's pov
Um... yes yes i'm forgett ..
So you're living here today?

Naeun's pov
I guess . Oh , we're arrive now at 7th floor . See you tommorow oppa

Ilhoon's pov
Yes , see you later Naeun .

Naeun's pov

Ilhoon's pov
Hm.. forget it ..
Anyeong .

TBC guysd
This part is quite boring right??
Biyanhaeee ..

By the way guys, what did Ilhoon mean by " later "

See it at next chapter chinguu ..
Byeeeee ....

And i will relealised new story guysss .
You can also read that story ..
Thank youuu

And don't forget to vote and keep read my story guysss .

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