Part 44

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It's time for Naeun to left now.

Naeun's pov
Oppa... thankyou for today!
I can't describe how happy am I today because of oppadeul! It's been a while since my last hangover! And you guys made it today! Thankyou very much oppa! I'm sincere!
I'm going to miss you all. Till we meet again nexttime!

BTOB's pov
You're welcome,Naeun.
We want to apologize for kidnapping you too!
It's okay Naeun , since we're family! Family is always stand by each other side right? Till we meet again nexttime too! Ilhoon, drive Naeun safely!

Ilhoon's pov
Yes"" , I got it!

Naeun's pov
Yes oppa!! *smile*
Bye oppadeul! *bid a goodbye*

Naeun goes in to her agency.

At CEO's office

*someone knocking the door*

CEO's pov
Come in!

Someone came in and it's Naeun.

Naeun's pov
I'm here by the way...

CEO's pov
*slam the desk*
SON NAEUN! You dare to come back here?!
Do you know what you've done,huh?!!

Naeun's pov
I-i-m sorry *bows*

CEO's pov
You have to know what I've already dealt with!
All of your sponsorship and CF may have been cancelled . But I save it! I don't want to know you have to make a press conference about your missing and told them that you're going on a trip with your family!

Naeun's pov
I got it *sigh*

CEO's pov
Tell me where on earth are you going? and with who?! I just want to warn you that dating secretly is an act that against me! Who you're the dating must be selected by the company!

Naeun's pov
I know it..

CEO's pov
Take a leave and tidy up your mess now!
Don't hope to go wandering around by yourself again! The second time won't be easy for you!

Naeun's pov
Then please excuse me..


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