Part 28

208 21 1

Flashback to Song Joong Ki confession..

Song Joong Ki is come to Weekly Idol today .
As a Special Guest .

Doni's pov
Today we have a special guest

Coni's pov
The one will melt our viewers heart ..
Please come out !!

Doni's pov
Woaahhh !!! Song Joong Ki

Song Joong Ki come out

Joong Ki's pov
Anyeonghaseo , i'm Song Joong Ki . Nice to meet you *bows*

Coni's pov
Please have a seat .

Doni's pov
What's it today??
It's an actor .

Coni's pov
Joong Ki , i watched well your drama . Captain Big Boss .

Joong Ki's pov
Hahaha . Kamshamidaa ...
It's an honour to come here as special guest .

Doni's pov
Joong Ki , after you cast Descendants of the sun , you receive so much attention from public .
And so many girls is fall in love with you .
And some idol too . What do you think about it?

Joong Ki's pov
Ahahaha . Aigooo...
At first , i really don't expect if this drama will be so popular . But it turn out well . And this drama receive so many attention . I feel thanks to god .
And thanks to Descendants Of the sun fans .
Thanks for my fans . Who keep supporting for me . And thank you for loving me too .
And for girl group member who like me , it's an honour . Kamshamida *bows*

Coni's pov
So , from so many girl group . Which girl group do you like the most? Number 1 in your heart .

Joong Ki's pov
Ahahaha . It's hard to choose . Because there's so many girl group . But , i prefer Apink .
I like Apink so much . Start from their debut .

Doni's pov
Apink 😪😪😪 .

Coni's pov
Who do you like the most in Apink???

Joong Ki's pov
Ahaha . Do i have to said it here?

Doni's pov
Sure! I and Apink live in the same apartment building . So i can help you to be close with Apink member . So , nugu?

Joong Ki's pov
Apink's Son Naeun .
I like her the most . And i really envy of Gary hyung .

Doni's pov
Why? Why Gary?

Joong Ki's pov
You know right , before i join military , i'm running man member . And after i out from Running Man , Apink come , Naeun and Eunji are in the same team with Gary Hyung . And after that episode , not long time , Apink come again , Dakji battle , all of them come . And not long time again , Naeun and Bomi come . And same team too with Gary hyung . I really envy him .
To be honest , i never meet Naeun .

Coni's pov
Should we call Naeun??
I have her number

Joong Ki's pov
Jjinja hyung??

Coni's pov
Naeun doesn't pick up her phone .
She's busy now .

Doni's pov
But you know right , if Naeun is leaving Apink .

Joong Ki's pov
Of course , it's really a waste .
But she start solo . Comeback with her sexy concept . She's pretty . I like her until now .

Coni's pov
If santa come , and he grand you a wish.
Want do you wish?

Joong Ki's pov
It's an honour to cast a drama wih Naeun ssi .

Doni's pov
Do you want our help??
To get close with SonNaeun

Joong Ki's pov
Jjinja you can?
PD nim , if Naeun comeback , don't forget to invite she here . And don't forget to invite me too at the same moment .

PD nod his head .

Coni's pov
Excuse me , but doesn't it too quick?

Doni's pov
You like Naeun , so what about Song Hye Kyo?

Joong Ki's pov
She's my best friend . No special feelings toward her .

Coni's pov
So , you have special feelings toward Naeun?

Joong Ki's pov
Yes , i have .

Doni's pov
Make a video letter for Naeun .
We'll send it to her .

Joong Ki's pov
What should i say???

Eeeee... hmmmmmmm..
" Naeun ssi ,how do you feel today? It's raining outside . Don't forget to wear something comfortable , don't get cold . And , if i have a chance to meet you it'll be good . And i hope to cast a drama together with you . Just like that , anyeong "

Doni's pov
It's so strange .
But , do you know that Scandal?

Joong Ki's pov
What scandal?

Coni's pov
2 weeks ago scandal .

Joong Ki's pov
Ahhh ..
BTS's V ?

Doni's pov
Yes. Do you know?

Joong Ki's pov
Of course i know .

Coni's pov
How do you feel?

Joong Ki's pov
I'm okay . Because she's a pretty girl . So it doesn't shocking again . So many dating scandal she have . And she's surrounded by so many idol who like her . So , i have many rival . 😂😂 .

Doni's pov
So you have a confidence to catch Naeun's heart?

Joong Ki's pov
Of course .

Doni's pov
What make you like Naeun?

Joong Ki's pov
She's my type .
And my ideal type is into her .

End of flashback ..

TBC ........

Sorry for the late update .
Don't forget to vote .
Keep read my story.

See you in next chapter .

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