Part 33

221 14 1

Naeun's pov

XXX's pov
Follow me

Naeun's pov

XXX's pov
This way

Naeun follow that mysterious guy and they go to elevator from basement .

At elevator

Naeun's pov
Yah! Who are you??

XXX release his mask and his hat

Naeun's pov

XXX's pov
Wae ? Waeyo?? Don't you suprise to see me?
*wink at naeun*

Naeun's pov
Aishhh!! Keumanhae oppa . By the way oppa , why are you here ??

XXX's pov
Chorong's saengil . And what about you?

Naeun's pov
Same as you oppa .

XXX's pov
Woww ! Are you girls going to reunited ?

Naeun's pov
Aishh ! Stop it oppa !

XXX's pov
Okay' arasseo *mess naeun's hair*

Naeun's pov
Oppa, where's the other???

XXX's pov
Other who??

Naeun's pov
B1A4 member oppa !!

XXX's pov
Baro and the other already arrive early and i late

Naeun's pov
So Why are you dressing like a thief oppa?

XXX's pov
Because i know if i dress like you Naeun , i'll be in trouble like you just now , if i like this ,no on will recognize me as B1A4 Jin Young . Genius right?

Naeun's pov
Ohh.. We're arrive

Naeun and Jin Young has arrive at 4th floor .

Naeun walk to Chorong's table

Naeun's pov
Unnie .

Chorong's pov
Naeunn!!! *hug naeun*

Naeun's pov
Un-nie ...

Chorong's pov
I miss you Naeun ☹️☹️ .

Naeun's pov
Too un-nie ...
By the way , saengil chukkae !! 😊😊
This , i bought you a gift . But it's not a big thing .

Chorong's pov
Gomawo Naeun 😍 . What's is that Naeun?
Please seat down

Naeun's pov
Apink ...
I bought a things for each of you .
This is for hayoung , this is for namjoo , this is for bomi unnie , and this is for eun ji unnie .

Apink's pov
Gomawoo Naeun !! ❤️❤️
Should we open it?? Start from who??

Chorong's pov
Old one !

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