A Confusing love for one girl .
Named Naeun . Everyone loves her . But she must choose 1 of them . So it's so hard to choose .
How will be the end?
Who'll be standing beside Naeun at the end?
🏆#1 Sonnaeun 05.12.20
🏆#1 Sonnaeun 23.06.20
🏆 #2 Yoo...
[FYI, For the best feeling to read this chapter , please read this chapter while you listening to this song👆👆]
Naeun is having so much fun with those oppadeul . [Don't you curious who's them?]
Naeun's pov MinHyuk oppa, don't you guys have schedule tommorow?
MinHyuk's pov Schedule? We had already cancelled all of them, just for our Nangni *tease Naeun*
Naeun's pov Oppa!! Stop it!! *death glare*
SungJae's pov *laugh* No naeun tommorow we don't have any schedule because we are still in our holiday time.
[Then if MinHyuk and Sungjae had came out, do you guys think of who are these oppadeul?]
HyunSik's pov Naeun, so how was you condition all this time?
Naeun's pov My condition? Hmm.. Just like the old days oppa.
HyunSik's pov Even you've already move agency?
Naeun's pov *nodded* At first it was okay, all the people there was so kind and makes me feel comfortable, and there's HyunWoo oppa too. But, passing day it's getting worse and worse. HyunWoo oppa came out and suddenly dissapear too. And like the old condition , I was force to date someone who I've never meet before!
EunKwang's pov Staystrong Naeun! Idol life is just too confusing and complicating for us.
ChangSub's pov Then ... What about Apink's member? Don't you miss them?
Naeun's pov I miss them so much .. and I really missed the old days, the time when we're still a trainee , practice everyday and waiting for our debut day to come. But, I guess that trainee's time was the best.
Peniel's pov Even though I joined our agency a bit late, but the warm of BTOB and Apink member is still I've experience it before .
[ Then guys you've know that these oppadeul who kidnapped Naeun is BTOB!]
Naeun's pov When our first debut.. I think that , those moment will be my first step to the happiness But, I've predicted it wrong. *tears up*
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BTOB's pov Don't feel sad anymore,Naeun *patted her back* BTOB oppa will always stand by you and stay by your side. Should we do a gathering with Apink? So that BTOBPINK will be reunite again.
Naeun's pov Thankyou oppa *teary eyes* You guys are the one whom I rely on. I don't think that we could gathered as BTOBPINK oppa . I afraid that I couldn't make it *feels sorry*
Ilhoon's pov It's okay Naeun , all of us understand your position . Don't force yourself *hug Naeun*
Naeun's pov I-ii.. amm so sorry oppa *burst into cry* *hug Ilhoon back*
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To Be Continued...
Lets take a look to some Btobpink moments guys ;)
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