Chapter 11

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Meet and Greet

Chapter 11

*Harry's POV*

"Harry how do you get your hair so gorgeous and sexy?" 

"Harry! Hi! I love you!" 

"Thanks everyone, but I really have to get going." I said as I pushed through all the girls. Sometimes I hate being famous. 

Once I got out of the mob and the girls finally left me alone, I saw Emily talking to Max. Then, Emily runs out of the cafeteria doors in tears. This is my chance to win Emily and beat Niall. I ran up to Max with a worried expression on my face. 

"What did you do to her?" I questioned.

"It's non of your business, now you can just go back to your mob of girls. I know for a fact that you're too shallow to even care about Emily anyway. You're just like every other celebrity. A jerk." Max yelled. "Now get out of my way." 

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are talking to? I do care about Emily, a lot. Besides I'm not the one that made Emily run out crying." I replied. As soon as I finished that sentence, I was sucker punched in the stomach by Max. 

"I don't have time for this." Max said. He bumped my shoulder with his shoulder and ran towards the doors. I can't let him get to Emily before me. Without thinking, I ran up to Max and punched right across the face and knocked him out. There, right in front of the door, he lay motionless. I turned around and I saw everyone at the party staring right at me with wide eyes and mouths ajar. 

"Sorry I got to go." I said before jumping over Max, who was finally starting to come to, and running out the door. I got outside and saw Emily sitting on the curb, crying. 

"Emily! What happened?" I asked.

"I-I. H-he." She muttered. "M-M-Max." 

"What'd he say?" 

"That I was just a friend and nothing more." She replied through sniffles. 

Great. She thinks of him as more than a friend. 

"What was that?" Emily said.

"Did I say that out loud?" 

"Yes, Harry, you did. You're so selfish." She yelled. "Just leave me alone." 

"I'm sorry. Can I get you anything?" 

"Bring me a root beer, I'm thirsty. Oh and make sure Max doesn't come out here."

"No need to worry about him. Max might not even remember the conversation you two had." I replied.

"What do you mean?" 

"I might have... gotten in a fight with and... him knocked him out..." I said shyly. 

"You what?! How could you! Harry, he could be seriously hurt!" Emily yelled while hitting me on the shoulder. She got up on her feet and ran inside to see if Max was okay. 

**Emily's POV**

I see Max sitting on a chair with ice on his temple. He seems out of it.

"Max! What happened? Are you okay?" I said. 

"Yeah I'm fine. My head just really hurts. A lot." He replied rubbing his head. 

"Well what happened?" I asked.

"I don't remember anything that happened like 15 minutes before I blacked out." Max said.

"C'mon, lets take you to the clinic. If they're not there then we're going to the ER." I instructed. Max got up obediently and I took his wrist. We walked through the corridors swiftly until we got the the nurses office. 

"Hello? Anyone here?" I asked. The room was empty with only a skeleton that you see in science classrooms. It's only there to tell us where our bone are. I think she stole it from Mr. Fredrick, the 10th grade science teacher. 

"She must've already gone on Summer Break." Max said. "I'm fine, it's just a little headache. Let's just go back to the party." 

"No. I'll drive you to the hospital." 

"But you don't have a car." 

"I'll take Harry's. It's the least he can do since he caused this." I said. 

"Fine. But I think it all it just a headache." Max stammered.


As we arrive at the hospital in Harry's fancy car, Max jumps out as soon as I park it, and throws up. 

"Yeah, it really is just a headache." I said sarcastically. "Did you get it all out?"

"Yes, I think so." Max said red-faced. 

We walked inside and I told the nurse he got hit in the head. We sat down in the waiting room until Dr. Tisdun took us back. 

"Now what seems to be the problem? You got hit in the head?" He asked.

"Yes. I have a major headache and I just threw up." Max responded.

"Hmm. Those are the signs of either heat exhaustion or concussion. Have you been outside a lot?"

"No sir. I've been in a cold gym all day." Max replied

"Well then it's probably a concussion. We are gonna need to run some test's on your head then we can determine whether you have a concussion or not." The doctor said. "You'll have to leave the room." 

"Okay." I said. "Max I'll be in the waiting room. Come find me when you're done."

"Fine. Bye." 


About a half hour later, Max comes out and calls me back to the room. 

"Miss Emily, Max just seems to have a minor concussion and a little bit of memory loss. He will be fine. Here is all his medication which Max has already taken. Make sure he goes home and get's some rest and don't have any lights on. Max seems to be sensitive to bright lights, and that's pretty much it." Dr. Tisdun says. 

"Thanks Doc!" 

"Just call me if anything goes wrong or seems unusual." 

"We will. Thank you." Max says. 

Thank god it was nothing serious. Max and I got in the car and drove back home. I dropped Max off at his house, returned Harry's car, and ran back home where I was scolded by my mother for being home so early. Then I plopped on my bed and took a nap. 

What a great way to start off the summer. 


Hey guys sorry it's kinda late! 

We hit 1.2K! Thanks y'all for all the reads, likes, votes, and comments! Keep 'em comin! 


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