Chapter 12

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Meet and Greet

Chapter 13

So it's my first day of summer and I'm spending it taking care of Max. I love spending time with him and all but not in the dark with no sound or movement or else Max will get a headache. 

"So are you feeling any better?" I asked Max.

"Shhh! The doctor said keep it quiet. But I am feeling better, thanks for asking."

"So do you need anything? Any water, snacks... light?" I asked.

"Uh actually can you make me my favorite snack? The one with bananas and chocolate, please?" Max responded. 

"Yes sir." I said with a salute.

I walked down stairs and ran into Max's mom on the way down. I made her spill the juices she was bringing up to Max and me. 

"Oh my god I'm sorry, Lauren! I am such a cluts!" I stammered. "Let me clean it up."

"Emily it's okay, I got it." 

"No let me grab some paper towels. This is my fault anyway." I said. 

I ran down the rest of the stairs by two's and grabbed some paper towels. I layered them over the juice and rubbed until the towel was wet and the floor was dry. 

"Thanks Emily, you have always been so helpful." She muttered. "No wonder Max is so glad that's its you who is helping him out today, not me." 

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well Max asked me not to take care of him but for you to. So I called your mom and asked if you could take care of him."

"So your saying that Max actually wanted me to watch him?" I said.

"Yeah! Well now that you are here, I'm have to go out and do a couple things. Thank you so much, Emily! See you in a little bit." Lauren said as she walked out the back door.

So Max really wanted me? I can't rap my mind around this. I don't know what I'm feeling. I need to go talk to him. 


Hey guys! This is so late but the next chapter will be up really soon! 

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