Chapter 6

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Meet and Greet 

Chapter 6 

"No, Louis! Stop! That feels weird! You know I'm not ticklish!" I yelled. Some how we had gotten into a tickle fight even though I'm not ticklish at all. I know, it's weird but I like to think of it more of a secret weapon. I saw Harry walk over to Louis and whisper something in his ear then they both started squealing like little girls. 

The next thing I know, I am being lifted up from my original position on my chair and carried, by Harry, all around the house of One Direction. He slung me over his shoulder and ran. I feel like Fiona being carried by Shrek through the forest. I want him to put me down. 

Louis whispered something in Harry's ear and Harry nodded. He took off through the sliding glass doors that lead to the beach and Harry followed. They sprinted in the direction of my house until Liam came out of the house running toward us. Once he caught up to us he yelled something to me.

"Text Mackenzie and tell her to meet us at your house in 5 minutes!" He said. 

"Oh sure, everyone can just crash at my place today! It's not like I have anything to do today or that I have any guests over." I said sarcastically. I actually didn't have anything to do today. That's why I was texting all the boys and they invited me over. Again. 

I whipped out my phone and texted Mackenzie. 

To: Macky G

Come to my place in about 5 minutes. Liam made me text you this btw. Don't ask questions, just come. 

From: Emily

Within 20 seconds, I got a reply back. And it was from Tom. 

To: Emily

I'll be there soon. and who's Liam?

From: Thomas the train (Tom)

My eyes went wide. I checked to see who that last text went to and it turns out I accidentally sent it to Tom, Max, and Mackenzie in a group message... Oops. Well they were going to have to meet the boys sooner or later, right? Now it's sooner. And I know I have weird names for everyone but they are all inside jokes. Sucks for you, you're outside the joke hah! Ugh, I need to get out more...

To: Macky G, Thomas the train (Tom), Maximillion

It doesn't matter, just come. 

From: Emily

Everyone replied back that they could come so looks like I was gonna have a party at my house. 

I really hope Max and Tom like the boys. 

Wait what?! Why do I care, I don't like them.

What are these boys doing to me?


Hey guys!

Sorry it's so short! I'm not updating like usual because I'm on vacation! The only reason I got this update in is because it's raining and I have nothing else to do. Either Mackenzie will update next time or I will but it will be a long one! 

If you haven't read our other story, Summer 09' please go check it out! It would mean the world to us!

<3 Emily

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