Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: The School Jackass

I picked myself up off of the floor putting my hand to my cheek where it was still raw. I needed music to distract myself from the pain. Pulling my MP3 player out of my bag, I slipped the earbuds in and blasted my music on full. As I listened to some of my favorite songs, I started planning out my 'in-between class' schedule. The first thing I planned on doing when I got to school was to go to the bathroom, take out my ring box, and use what was inside. I closed the door behind me and started my half mile walk.

When I got to school I went to my locker, put my bag inside making sure to grab the ring box. When I closed my locker and turned around, standing right in front of me was Jake Ryder, the most popular jackass in school. He is the quarterback on the school's football team which obviously makes him better than everyone else or so he thinks.

"Hey, the emo made it to school today!" He yelled to all his friends who had gathered around us. They started laughing at his brilliance as I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, Ryder," I snapped out.

"Since when do you get to tell me what to do? Unless of course, it's in bed." Ooooo's chorused around us from the Jake wannabes.

I'd had enough already. "I'm sorry, Jake. I didn't realize you needed another girl to sleep with. Too bad I'm not going to be that girl, I'm not a whore like your girlfriend," I spat at him. Everyone stopped and stared at me.

Jake stood there shaking his head and with no warning moved toward me. His hand shot out slapping me in the same spot as I'd been hit earlier. "You will never say that again." He walked away with his "crew" following on his heel.

I walked to the bathroom with my box firmly gripped in my hand. Going into the first stall, I opened the box. There laid my trusty blade. I took it out. Rolling up my sleeve, I pressed the blade to my arm and made a cut. Not too deep and not too long, just enough to ease the pressure. I wiped the blood away, rolled my sleeve back down, and put the blade back in the box.

I went back into the hallway. Jake was nowhere to be seen. When I got back to my locker, I grabbed the materials I'd need for my first class putting the box back into my bag. I started walking to my first period, U.S. History. One of the five classes I have with, none other than everyone's favorite jackass, Jake Ryder.

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