Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: The Proof

I wake up to pounding on my bedroom door. I looked over at the clock, 11:00 pm. "What?"

My dad slams my door open, clearly wasted and mumbling to himself. He throws a bunch of papers onto my bed. Taking an envelope out of the stack and chucking it at my face.

"Someone dropped these off for you," he says much louder than necessary since he was now standing right beside my bed. But he has a tendency to get really loud when he's drunk.


He stalks back out of my room and slams my door shut. I sit up to look at the papers my dad threw on my bed. I see Jake Ryder's name on every one. It's then I remember I agreed to do his homework today. Ugh, fuck! I gather all the papers into a pile and set them aside to open the envelope. A note and photo fall from inside. I open the note and began to read.

"Dear Emo-

You forgot my homework today so I thought I would be nice and drop it off for you. Be careful. Your secret is hard to keep when you forget things.


God, I hate him so much! I look down at the photo and it has "proof" written on the back. My heart slams into my throat and my stomach flips as I shakily turn the photo over. I stare at it in horror, it's a photo from that night. Shit! This is proof someone else was there that night in the room with us. Whoever took this picture knows Jake and clearly knows what happened to me that night, but who...

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