Chapter 15

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I woke up and immediately searched for my phone and checked the time.

4:15 am

How wonderful. I didn't feel like going back to sleep and my pillow was wet from tears. I quietly headed towards the bathroom and turned on the light.

When I looked in the mirror I was horrified at what I saw. My eyes were black from the mascara that I had left on my face. I searched for my make up and immediately started wiping off the makeup. Then I scrubbed my face with my face wash and grabbed a rag and patted it dry.

I slowly crept back to my bunk, climbed in, and let out a long sigh. I was tired, but I couldn't sleep. There was way too much going on to even think about getting more sleep.

Why did Oliver decide to tell me now? I was in a relationship with his best friend.

Another sigh.

I really liked Matt and our relationship so far. I mean its been a day, but we've been getting so close. We have something great that I believe will last.

Oli always made things complicated for me. Even when we were still in school. This guy meant so much to me, but then again, he's my best friend.

Just Friends.

That cliché saying kept swirling through my head. Oli and I were definitely meant to be just that. I'm in a relationship with a great guy, that I know I like and I can't risk that by chasing after Oliver when I don't even know my true feelings for him.

Sigh. Sigh. Sigh.

I threw my legs over the side of the bunk and searched the mini fridge to see if there was ice cream.

Ben and Jerry's Half Baked Ice Cream.

Right there. My favorite flavor just in front of my eyes. I reached in and grabbed the pint, then grabbed a clean spoon from the small drawer and headed back to my bunk.

I climbed in an immediately opened up the delicious, sweet dessert that I loved.

I finished that pint in 10 minutes. I got off to throw it in the trash and headed back to my bunk. I checked my phone.

I had a message from Matt.

Nicholls <3

" Came back and you were asleep. At least when you wake up you'll get a good night and good morning text, beautiful."

He was so sweet. I just decided to go back to sleep because Matt's text calmed me down. I knew I was supposed to be with Matt and that how it was going to be.

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