Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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School was starting today. I was positive that the three of us would still get condolences, even though the tragedy was four months ago.

I walked down the stairs to see aunt Jenna struggling to make breakfast and Elena talking to Jeremy. I grabbed a grilled cheese sandwich and downed a glass of milk. My siblings didn't bother to eat breakfast and we went to school. Elena went with Bonnie while I went with my best friend, Caroline.

"I never thought I'd say this but I'm kinda excited for this year." I said. School was a pretty good way to block the reminder that my parents were never coming back.

Caroline didn't say anything. She kept biting her bottom lip and stared at the road nervously.

"Care, what's wrong?" I asked.

"God, this is so scary. What if there are no cute guys? How am I going to go through a year with a guy?" She whined, making me laugh.

'Well, you always have the geeks." I teased, earning a glare from her.

When we reached the school, I waited for Caroline to park the car and got out. Caroline followed closely behind me as we entered the school. I walked up to my locker and took out a few books.  Then Caroline and I went to the secretary office, where Elena and Bonnie were. They were both staring at something. I glanced at their direction and saw a guy wearing a black leather jacket. 

"All I see is back." Elena said.

"It's a hot back." Bonnie said. Elena turned around and saw Jeremy in the men's room. She sighed before following him inside. Jeremy had problems after our parents died. But I didn't really know if these problems started from before.

The bell rang and we quickly went to class. My first period was History by Mr. Tanner. Elena and I were in the same class, because we were born in the same year yet I was older. I saw from the corner of my eyes Bonnie texting something to Elena. I looked past Elena to see the guy we saw earlier. He was pretty handsome. And he was staring at my sister. She turned to look his way and sent him a smile. 

After school, Caroline, Bonnie and I walked to the Grill. Elena wanted to go home alone. We all knew she would go to our parents' graves. She was going through a rough stage and we wanted to give her some space.

"His name is Stefan Salvatore. He lives with his uncle up at the old Salvatore boarding house. He hasn't lived here when he was a kid. Military family, so they moved around a lot. He's a Gemini, and his favorite color is blue." Caroline said bubbly.

"You got all of that in one day?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, please. I got that between third and fourth period. We're planning a June wedding." Caroline faked a scoff.

As we reached the Grill, Elena and Stefan came in at the same time.

"Hi, I'm Stefan." Stefan smiled as he shook our hands. When his hand touched Bonnie's, she shuddered and pulled her hand back right away. Stefan frowned slightly but remained his composure. Bonnie was still kind of shocked from the interaction between the two of them. I tapped her shoulder and we all went in.

Matt walked up to us and offered his hand to Stefan, "I'm Matt. Nice to meet you."

Stefan smiled before shaking his hand, "Stefan."

"Are you new in town?" Matt asked.

"I was born here but I moved away." Stefan answered as we all sat down.

"Parents?" Bonnie asked.

"My parents passed away." He said with a sad expression.

"I'm so sorry. Any siblings?" I asked.

"None that I talk to. I live with my uncle." He replied.

"So, Stefan. Since you're new, you probably don't know about the party tomorrow." Caroline said in excitement.

"It's a thing here." I said when he frowned.

"Are you going?" He asked Elena.

Before Elena could answer, Bonnie interjected, "Of course she's going."

Stefan and Elena shared a smile before returning to the group's conversation. I couldn't help but crack a smile at how adorable they were. 

The next day, we all had History for our first period. Mr. Tanner was asking Bonnie and Elena difficult questions that they couldn't answer, but Stefan totally beat him. Mr. Tanner was basically humiliated in front of the whole class. It was weird how Stefan knew exactly the number of civilian casualties in the battle that even a History expert didn't know. It was like he lived through it. But then again, he's a hottie with brain.

At the party that night, I was talking to Elena and Bonnie.

"So, where's Stefan?" Bonnie asked.

"I don't know. You're the psychic one." Elena said while gulping her beer.

"Right, I forgot. My Grams said I need to concentrate." Bonnie said clumsily.

"Oh wait, maybe you need a crystal ball." I joked as I handed her an empty beer bottle and we laughed.

Bonnie touched Elena's hand and she was lost in thoughts for a moment and pulled her hand back abruptly.

"What is it?" I asked.

"When I touched Elena, I saw a crow. There was a fog and a man." Bonnie said, but after a while she reassured us, "I must be drunk. That wasn't psychic. I'm gonna get a refill."

"That was weird." I said after Bonnie was gone.

"Yeah." Elena agreed.

"Where were you this yesterday afternoon?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

"At the graveyard. I met Stefan there." Elena said.

"Really? What was he doing there?" 

"He said he was visiting." Elena said and she threw the beer bottle on the ground and it cracked, "He's over there. I'm gonna go see him now." 

I nodded and leaned against a tree to sip my beer. Then I heard a scream and everyone rushed over to where it came from. Jeremy was carrying Vicki out of the woods with a big bite mark on her neck. Blood was all over Jeremy's shirt. I took my phone out to call 911 and tore a piece of my shirt to stop Vicki from losing blood. About 15 minutes later, an ambulance arrived and took Vicki to the hospital. I could swear I saw Stefan in the trees behind all of the students there. He was looking at Vicki shockingly but never came to help. He disappeared in the dark and I could had swore I saw his eyes differently.

After Matt, Jeremy and Tyler had taken Vicki to the hospital, I brought Caroline to the Grill to sober up. If she came home drunk like that, her mom would kill her. Literally.

"Are you sober yet?" I asked.

"No." She slurred.

"Keep drinking. I gotta got us home." I said.

"Why didn't he go for me? How come the guys I want never want me?" She whined, "I always say the wrong thing and Elena always says the right thing. Everyone picks her and she doesn't even try! I try so hard, but I'm never the one."

"It's not a competition, Caroline." I said.

"Yes, it is." She slurred. I stood up and went over to Caroline's seat and helped her up. She was heavier than I thought. I tried to steady both of us as I tried to drag her out of the Grill. When I finally got her into my car, I glanced back at the Grill, finding a man in a leather jacket staring at me. I felt a shiver run down my spine and tore my gaze from his and drove home with Caroline.

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