Dear Zac,
Hopefully things would work out with you.
Eventhough you're a self proclaimed 3 in this world full of possible 10's; you're a solid 10 out of 10 to me. It's sad how you put yourself down like that, just because you don't meet the world's standards of beauty.
Beauty isn't solely based appearance, even though u say it's a big part of attraction. But your imperfections make you beautiful to me.
I haven't got the chance to tell you that you have beautiful eyes. (Most likely it's cause I didn't have the guts)You would say it's cheesy and that you're lactose intolerant, but it's just because you were never use to compliments.
And that's why you're more beautiful than you think you are. You know that looks isn't your forte, instead you work on your character and mold it into this wonderful personality that I, admire and adore.
P.s. I really miss your hugs.
With Love.