Chapter 1

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Kendall's POV

"Nooo, you can't die now... please not now" I pleaded, it was to early. Everything they've been through it just couldn't happen now.

"Its just a movie, plus he isn't going to die" My seven year old sister informed me. "He's under the Gorg's ship, I still can't believe you never watched this movie."

My little sister Mia with her smart remarks. You gotta love her though, you get use to it after a while. She gets very clingy. There's only one reason why that is. It's our mom, when Mia was three years old our mom got diagnosed with cancer. But what would a three year old know about cancer? A year later after, a week after I turned 13 my father got a call saying my mom died. We were all devastated. My older brother, Jordan wouldn't come out of room for three weeks. He was a mama's boy. As my sister got older she wonder where her mommy was. When she able to understand that our mother was never coming back she cried, shouted, pouted, and threw things. Also colored on walls. Eventually she adjusted to the world without a mother figure. I was there and I still...

"Hey I've been tapping on your elbow for the past five minutes." Mia tells me interrupting my train of thoughts.

"Oh, sorry... wait the movie is already over?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Yep. What were you thinking about just a few minutes ago."

"N-nothing." I stuttered pushing myself up to get off the sofa to put the movie back in its case and on the self.

"Oh." Hearing a noise at the door we turn our heads to see who it is.

"Hey Kenny. Hey Mia. What are you guys still doing awake?" Lucas asked with a smirk plastered across his face while creeping around the door.

"First of all I'm 17, why wouldn't I be awake? Second of all why are hiding yourself behind the door?" I asked returning his little smirk while getting closer towards the door. Pulling him by his shirt to see what he was hiding, I screeched at the look of his muddy pants.

"On my god Lucas what happened? You look worse than you did before for you left."

"Mia." I warned

"Shut up Mia and come me give me a hug."

"No no no, please I'm sorry. Don't touch me." She said running behind my legs to hide.

"Dad's going to kill you." I said, trying to use my hand to keep him away from Mia. Giving up on trying to attack her, he tries to bribe us.

"And that's exactly why I'll go the... um uh..."

"The park tomorrow with me or I'll tell daddy, no excuses." Anytime Mia wants something she gets it. I know for a fact that this won't end up well Lucas, it never does.

"But Mia, you know that I have basketball practice tomorrow."

"No excuses, wait never mind. Daddy!" She screams walking towards the stairs. Lucas immediately starts running towards her tugging on her arm.

"Please don't." He gave in. " I'll skip but only this one time."

"And what will you tell Dad?" I asked just out of curiosity. "Oh, I don't know... I want to skip practice to go to the park with Mia, I don't think so."

"I'll tell him that there's no practice tomorrow. Duh." He says walking away.


After a while we all went to our rooms to get some rest until I hear a knock at my door.

"It's open." Twisting the door knob and slowly entering there I saw a sad Mia.

"What's wrong?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"I miss mommy. Can I stay in here with you tonight?"

"Sure." With that she climbed into my bed and cuddled up against me. Closing my eyes and letting sleep fall upon me.

"Kenny get up we have big day ahead of us." Mia screamed while jumping on my bed.

"Urgggg." I groaned not wanting to get up because we have school tomorrow and I need all the sleep I can get.

I get up from my bed and head towards the shower. After taking a shower I brush my teeth then blow dry my and throw it in a ponytail. Afterwards I put on my black Nike sports bra and underwear. I walk to my closet to choose an outfit and I decide on a mint green tank top and some black Nike shorts with mint green vans and some black shades.

I walk downstairs to Mia wearing dark blue tights and with lines on them and a light blue tank top. Also some pink and blue running shoes.

"Are you ready?" I ask

"Yeah but we're waiting for Lucas to come down stairs." Mia says taking another spoonful of her cereal and screaming the last part.

"The man of the house has entered the kitchen." Lucas says while wearing a white sleeveless Nike shirt, matching shorts and black and white Nike running shoes.

" Lucas says while wearing a white sleeveless Nike shirt, matching shorts and black and white Nike running shoes

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After getting tired of listening to my brother and sister argue my dad walks into the kitchen.

"Good morning." my dad says

"It's 12:45, dad." Lucas said.

"Wait, why are not at basketball practice, just out curiosity." My dad says with a grin plastered on his face.

"Dad I told you this last night it got cancelled. Coach is sick, don't you remember."

"Oh Okay where are you all headed off to then?"

"To the park Lucas lost another bet." I somewhat lied.

"Here some money to take to buy some lunch." My dad said handing me $40.

"Thanks dad, come on let's go." I said and walked to the door and grabbed the keys to my blue Toyota.

"Called shotgun." Lucas screamed from upstairs with his basketball in his hand.

The ride to the park took five minutes and Mia and Lucas were racing to the swings because the other one was already taken by this little girl. Lucas won the race but knowing Mia she obviously won in reality because she has her ways.

Lucas begins to help Mia onto the swings and pushes her while she screams"higher, higher, faster."
Eventually she is as high she wants to be and Lucas comes and sits me on the bench next to me.

"Hey, maybe you should come shoot some hoops with me?" Lucas says with a big bright smile.

We get and run towards the court. Lucas stands at the half court line, bends his knees and stands back up with a lot of force and makes the shot. While I keep one eye on him and the other eye on Mia who is now talking to the little girl.

"Here your ball." Lucas says and passes the ball to me. I run to the 3 pointer line, but before I start I ask Lucas "who's the little girl Mia is playing with?"

"Her name is Jazzy, think Mia made new friend." Lucas tells me.

I bend my knees and do exactly what Lucas does and I miss. I miss, I did exactly what he did and I'm closer to the hoop and I still miss. I hate basketball. Let me rephrase that. I hate playing basketball and I hate it with a passion.

"I'm done with this." I say and throw the ball to sit on the bleachers that surrounds the courts.

"But you only tried once." He says and walks up the 3 pointer line and easily makes a shot.

"Seriously, I'm done with this game." I state.

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