-Chapter Ten-

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Date: August, 7th, 2015
Location: Landstuhl Regional Medical Hospital
Time: 1915

I had my back pack hanging from one shoulder. I was done for today. I'd get to go home for two days since I've been on constant call for the past five. I preferred the usual work schedule where everything is in order and set out. Rather than the unexpected fling. Yet, it was still a very rewarding job.

I shut my door to my office locking it and turned to go down the hall when I sighed shaking my head. I had almost forgotten. The patient asked if I could come visit again. Bryan was his name right?

I took off my glasses rubbing my eyes and yawned. I was exhausted. But I said I would try and make it work. If he was asleep already then that was fine too. It was better for the soldier to rest anyways for the three week period before his evaluation was finished. However, after three weeks he would likely be sent back to his home country for further treatment. If he were to fly now though with the lower back displacement it would have the grave possibility of making his situation worse.

I was thinking of the right patient right? Bryan...Bryan Bernardi? This day was too long and hectic. I still had two extra reports to finish for documentation. Those I would be taking home with me.

I went down the hall coming closer to the room and opened the door. I saw Monica pushing the meal cart out finishing her rounds as she came out. I held open the door with my foot.

She smiled, "Thank you. Hello Dr. King", she said.

I smiled waving, "Good evening. How are you Monica?", I asked.

"Fine, he's picky", she huffed rolling her eyes. I laughed at her annoyed face.

"Well, we can't please everyone", I said.

"Nope, I'm going to go get this down, he's waiting for you. Kept asking as to where you were and what you were doing the whole time. When I asked him why he so desperately needed to see you, he said he had questions. He seemed a bit down. He wouldn't eat again till I had to threaten to shove the food down his throat", grumbled Monica.

"You have a wonderful night Dr. King, safe trip home", she said.

"To you too Monica, and thank you", I said.

I entered the room seeing Bryan shifting to look around the door. I smiled, "Good evening Bryan", I said.

He managed a small smile, "Hi", he said with his Italian accent.

I walked forward stopping, "I hear you have a few questions for me, what can I help you with?", I asked.

Bryan raised his eyebrows, was I that quick to start a conversation. That quickly willing to help a person I didn't even know. "Uh....well....how was your day? I hear that you were very busy in surgery", said Bryan.

"Ah.....yes, I was. But my day was productive and your's?", I replied questioning him kindly.

"My day was....fine....I...well.....I got to meet you, the person who saved my life", said Bryan.

"I just did my job Bryan. It's what I'm here for", I said.

Bryan nodded, "I appreciate it, really. Thank you", he said.

"It was simply a debt I had to repay", I replied.

"You don't owe me anything. If anything it's-",

I shook my head smiling, "No, you gave your freedom to protect my freedom to allow me do what I desire most", I said.

Bryan laughed, "That's a bit of an exaggeration, I didn't give up my freedom, I chose to do it. Nothing more, I just wanted to protect my country.....and....and good people like you" he said.

I acknowledged that, "That is why I do what I do, because of good people like you", I said smiling I set down my bag as it weighed down my shoulder.

I tilted my head as he looked at me. "Something else is on your mind", I said.

Bryan winched and his fingers curled slightly in his free hand. He swallowed his throat dry and he looked down at the bed sheets over him.

"Yeah......", he whispered suddenly very quiet and unable to really speak. Tears filled his eyes. He looked up at me and I could see the water building up in them. I stood stock still.

"What happened? What happened to them?", he asked his lips trembling.

There was no real good way to put this. I knew what had happened or at least just the details of the report. That Bryan had been the only one to make it. I didn't know much else about the others.

Bryan lifted his free hand wiping his eyes as tears streamed down his face and he cried sniffing.

"The..the only thing I can remember is just them shooting....and the gun shots....Then waking up in this plane.....but no one there. Was....no one there was anyone I knew. What happened? Where's Memphis? Bear? Bravo and Hermit? Where are the others who we were supposed to save?", asked Bryan.

I stood stock still and swallowed, "There is no good way to put this......but you were the only one who made it out alive", I said.

Bryan stared at me, "We didn't- I didn't......", Bryan turned his head away covering his mouth as he sobbed.

I stared at him as his shoulders went up and down with the muffled sobbing sounds. I stared at him almost coming to tears myself. There was no one here for him. No family. No friend. Just one of the doctors looking after him. I went over to him my hand hovering over his shoulder. As stupid as it sounded I had to ask via protocol.

"Is it alright if I....", my voice trailed off as Bryan gripped my arm coat crying.

His fingers curled shaking as he gripped it. Tears came down with no end as he hung his head like a defeated man. He was a man who had just come home and lost the dearest things to him. It humbled me. That a soldier was so loyal to his brothers and sisters.

I wrapped my arms around him my hand rubbing his shoulder a little. Bryan naturally unable to support himself leaned his other shoulder my way. He dropped his hand fingers hanging and then he gripped my shoulder turning his head and buried it in my coat. He cried lowering his face fingers constantly re-gripping so they wouldn't drop or slip.

"Shh....shh.....there, there, everything is going to be alright......", I whispered trying to sooth him and supported his back.

He still had the stiff large build rippling under the attire. I felt his breath quicken as he cried sobbing. He was like a child. In the most vulnerable state a human being can bring themselves to be. It was his right. It was his every right.

"Shh...shh....it's all going to be alright. It's going to be alright", I said quietly holding him.

I just held him. I felt his hand curl around the lapel of my lab coat and it dropped and he curled his fingers together trying to get a grip on it as he hung his head unable to stop crying. He didn't dare raise his head but he pressed it against my shoulder naturally seeking security.

"It's going to be alright......it's going to be alright", I repeated not daring to let go as he permitted me to see the weakest state of him. But it was also his strongest.

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