-Chapter Thirty-

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Date: September, 21, 2016

Location: Kabul, Afghanistan- Bagram Air Force Base

Time: 0800 

I pushed open the doors from the surgical room pulling off the gloves and began to scrub my arms with the disinfectant. It was a long grueling three hours. First the kid was brought in all beaten and broken bones.

Lost his hand. It had been hectic but at least he was stable now and was going to be fine. I found the older brother who had brought him in pacing and biting his fingers as he waited. Apparently the kid had been hit by a load truck running out into the road to chase a ball. 

The brother turned his head seeing me, he immediately rushed over speaking in Dari which I had no clue as to how to speak. 

His eyes pleading for an answer. I stopped him as he was about to grab my shoulders. "Calm down! Calm down! He's fine!" I said nervously stepping back. If a large man rushed up to you what would you do?

"He's going to be okay. You understand? He's okay" I repeated. 

Thankfully he got that, at least the okay part. "Okay" he breathed out with relief. He understood okay.

I sighed I was going to have to get someone who knew how to speak Dari. The common language here in Kabul. It's not that the majority didn't know English, it's that I didn't know Dari which was what everyone spoke here not on base but we get civilians or refugees at time. Luckily there were people who specialized in the language so you weren't on a shortage. 

"Come with me, I'm going to get someone who can help you understand what's happened" I said motioning for him to follow. 

I headed down the hall with the man behind me staying close. It was all overwhelming but we were here for work and business. Having a lot of people in military uniforms despite being a doctor was odd. Normally you think of a person with a lab coat. It was really a preference. I wore it over my uniform. 

At the logistics counter I was greeted by an attendant who smiled, "Hi...err...Dr. King right?" she asked. 

I nodded, "Yes that would be me" I replied. Having only arrived three days prior people still were trying to get to know who you were. Having been moved to another troop the faces were unfamiliar. I struggled with remembering names myself. I can put faces in my head. But names... oh boy. 

"Could I get a translator to help explain the situation?" I asked. 

"Ah, let me see if Major Allen is available" she said. 

"Thank you" I replied waiting as she dialed picking up the phone. 

"Hello Major Allen, I have Dr. Captain King here who requires a translator would you be available?" she asked. A pause. Silence then a nod, "Yes sir, yes sir I will. I'll send her down" she said. 

Hanging up she looked at me, "He'll see you. He's just down the hall and the second office on your right".

I nodded, "Thank you ma'am." I replied heading off in the direction she had pointed. 

I raised my hand to knock on the door when a gentlemen opened it and ran right into me. I cringed feeling hot coffee soak against my shirt and burn. 

"Ah! Holy shh....err....!" the gentlemen refrained from swearing and he stared up seeing me shake my shirt. That stung. Oh boy. 

"I'm so sorry.... I really wasn't paying attention" he said. 

I sighed, "It's alright sir... it'll wash out" I cleared my throat. Right this guy is a major, a higher rank than me. "Umm... Major I have an individual here. His brother was in surgery who I operated on. I'd appreciate your help sir in explaining as to what I did with the other operators" I said. 

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