-Chapter Four-

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Date: August, 4th, 2015
Location: Landstuhl, Germany
Time: 1145

Bryan was still fading in and out his vital signs were normal but he still wasn't feeling up to keeping his eyes open even though the attending medics were telling him to do so. That they were almost there. Fifteen minutes to the hospital if Bryan had heard correctly. He had heard correctly.

Yet for him it felt like ages. The tubes and viles all around him in disarray. It made him feel uncomfortable. But he couldn't bring himself to move and it agitated him. Bryan wanted to move. He wanted to be able to tell everyone what was on his mind. He couldn't feel his legs that had gone numb. He didn't know what to think or do. He couldn't tell the nurses that his head hurt with a steering headache still. He couldn't say anything. He wanted to. He so dearly wanted to. He couldn't tell them the that the back lower part of his back was paining him.

Bryan managed a small groan. A man heard and came over to him.

"Relax, we're almost there, I know it hurts. We're almost there Sir", said the soldier placing his hand on Bryan's shoulder nodding firmly. But he didn't leave Bryan's side. He knew. He knew Bryan needed support. And simply kept speaking to him to keep him awake.

"You'll have a whole team of doctors waiting to take care of you. They'll get you fixed up. They already know what to do. They'll have you covered, trust me", said the man smiling.

Bryan just stared at him in a daze. Though he had received a surplus of blood to refuel his body. Still he felt dazed. Still he couldn't see straight. He felt like something wasn't right. He wanted to know. Bryan knew that he was injured but he couldn't say what the exact effect it had on him. He didn't entirely remember how he was injured.

The white bus came to a halt and the back doors opened.

"We made, your going to be alright sir", said the soldier who then got a serious look on his face and went to go help unload the first patient. Bryan was the third to exit.

"One, two, three!", said a man leading the members in the count as they hoisted Bryan up and then lowered him onto a patient stretcher. Bryan stared at the blue sky bright and sunny. Immediately he was pushed inside and nurses and doctors dressed for trauma surgery prep came towards him taking his movable bed. He was suddenly staring at the ceiling tile of the hospital and then into the face of a woman.

It was blurred though and Bryan was frightened. He knew to trust them but the sudden change made him begin to panic and he tried to breath faster eyes widening.

"Sir we are going to put you under anesthesia, can you understand me?", asked the nurse walking along with the cart as Bryan was pushed through the hospital. Bryan couldn't reply. His eyes were darting around and he began to hyperventilate.

The nurse noticed this, "Sir, your safe, listen to me it's all going to be fine", she said trying to assure him.

Bryan was suddenly staring at a bright light his glossy covered eyes moving in all directions his nostrils flaring as he stared at the room filled with people in blue and the needles and sharp instruments all around. An elder man came up to him speaking but his voice was not what Bryan could focus on. He was only focused on his surroundings.

"Bryan, Bryan I'm Dr. Reinhard. Bryan can you hear me? If you can hear me look at me", said Dr. Reinhard.

I stared at the man in the bed who was not yet administered anesthesia. He needed to be informed of the operation first. We had to release pressure build up from his head. The reports that came in during the duration of the flight on his condition were serious and not much time could be wasted. It was getting life threatening.

If this man, Bryan didn't calm down then it would put us at even more risk.

I pulled down my mask and went over to Dr. Reinhard who was trying to get Bryan's attention through snapping his fingers. He knew about the urgency.

I placed my hand on Bryan's carefully. His eyes stopped as he stared in my direction. I looked at Bryan, "Bryan, I'm Dr. King, this is Dr. Reinhard. We need to release the pressure build up in your brain. It's getting too high and is pressing against your skull. This is dangerous. Do you understand? Blink if you understand", I said.

Bryan stared at me for several moments processing what I had told him but then he blinked.

"Good, now everything's going to be alright, your going to be alright Bryan", I said flicking my other hand and the Anesthesiologist inserted the general anesthesia.

Bryan felt himself begin to loose focus and he retaliated. I held his hand lightly smiling, "It's okay Bryan, it's okay", I assured.

Bryan stared at me feeling a tingling in his hand. He looked up at me. He felt himself relax and his breathing slowed and his eyes closed peacefully without toil.

I removed my hand from his and stepped away looking at Dr. Reinhard. "He's out", said a nurse.

I set the drill up twisting the knobs and Dr. Reinhard adjusted Bryan's head slightly so the drill was pointed at the back two inches above his left ear. He then turned on the switch pushing slowly with that grueling sound going on and on as it began to spin rapidly. Getting closer and closer to his head.

Just getting closer and closer....

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