Chapter Twenty-One- Beveri's Story

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When you were only 5 years old, the rebellion was in full swing. Your father and I worked endlessly to try to expel Liriel's influence from the kingdom. We liberated city after city, reveling in the glory of our triumphs. With the leaders of some of the biggest cities on our side, as well as the power to Shift, we felt like we were unstoppable.

This prideful notion was not the case.

There was a particularly small village that guarded the border between the eastern and western portions of the land. The Noir Mountains are what split the country, and that village lay right at the only pass large enough for our army to pass through. Though we considered simply flying over, we had too many soldiers who were relegated to the ground, such as centaur and merfolk, as well as cartloads of supplies. We needed to cross the border in order to reach the Capitol in the far west, the final destination before freedom. Thus, we decided to pass through the village.

It was a very diminutive place. Surely, we thought, the people there would not be able to put up a fight. Many were simple miners, extracting coal and gems from the mountains reaching high on either side of their homes. Your father warned us to be careful, since the place would be perfect for an ambush. I agreed. Thus, your father, my sister Fer-


"Aunt Fera?" Gerel interrupted. "She was with you?"

"Kotuya," Delku admonished. "Please, let your mother finish."

Gerel sat down, now even more invested in the tale than before. Beveri gave a ghost of a smile and continued.


-my sister, Fera and I went to scout ahead alone. We warily marched through the town, eyes darting between miners bolting their doors and dark excavation tunnels boring into solid stone.

The sky was an ashy grey, clouds heavy with rain as if waiting for the perfect time to let it out in a downpour. I sniffed at the humid wind as a nervous twitch ran through my wings. The unmistakeable lavender smell of a witch was laced through the air.

I halted my husband, motioning a signal of danger. Delku smelled it as well, tensing and raising his head. My sister was no longer beside me. I glanced around, looking for her.

Shrouded by frothing mist, a lone figure, reeking of lavender, stood silently before us.

"You there! Reveal yourself!" I demanded.

The figure stepped forward. It was Fera. Her eyes were shining a brilliant yellow, while her bear-skin coat had turned a sickening shade of gold.

"Fera?" I asked, bewildered. "What is going on?"

Delku raised his sword, unsure of how to proceed.

Fera only giggled in response, an excessively large grin spreading across her bleached face.

My first instinct was that she was simply a magical projection from a witch nearby. This was a commonly used tactic at the time, used to trick the enemy. I also considered that it might have simply been a witch who was somehow able to transform herself into my sister's lookalike. In any case, I readied myself for battle, looking around for where my true sister may have been.

"Surrender, witch!" I cried. "What did you do with my sister?"

The fake Fera giggled again. She clapped her hands in a repeating pattern over her head. In response, the ground beneath her rumbled. Her pupils contracted to tiny dots as her giggle turned into a loud, deranged laugh.

Delku and I glanced at each other, communicating our mix of confusion and fear. I quickly Shifted to human form, readying my support stance. I projected a shield between us and her, as well as sending a steady stream of healing magic into Delku. He in turn raised his katana, brushing it with his fingers to coat the blade in magic flame.

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