Chapter Twenty-Seven -Stowaway

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Kera led the march out of the waterfall, swiftly walking between redwood trees before coming to a sudden stop and turning around to face her followers. Her favorite axe Death Note was strapped to her back, its long handle now collapsed into itself.

"All right. The journey to Clovendale is going to take about two nights and two days, counting tonight. Certain parts of our journey will be in flying forms and others in fast-moving ground forms. It will depend on which side's territory we are crossing. Since we're in dragon- conquered land currently, we'd better Shift." Kera immediately did so, her clothes and small peices of jewelry and baggage disappearing into the Shifter gem she wore on her left ear. Her larger bags and weapons were shed onto the ground before she picked them up and reattached them to her dragon body. Shev hopped onto her back.

Erno, Aelwen, and Jane followed suit (Jane's dragon form being light green and almost as petite as Aelwen). Gerel glanced nervously around before going up to Erno, asking if he could ride on his back. Erno nodded, glancing at Kera, who cleared her throat before whispering that she would explain everything later.

Just before leaving, Kera removed something from her bags, pressing it into Aelwen's front paw. It was a sheathed rapier, the hilt designed with beautiful engravings of a pack of wolves running through the snow.

"Got it on one of my travels to the capitol. Figured you'd like to have it since you're from there," Kera said nonchalantly.

Aelwen looked in surprise from the sword to Kera. "I thought you didn't like these kinds of-"

"Come on, kid. I'm not dumb. I know the value of any kind of weapon. I was messing with you before to try to get you to learn techniques different to those you're comfortable with. Since we don't exactly have much time to train right now, you need a sword you know how to use on the journey," Kera said, rolling her eyes.

"Thank you so much," Aelwen said, smiling. "It's beautiful."

Kera nodded. "Yea, sure, whatever. His name is Wolf Child." She walked away, leaving Aelwen to gaze in wonder at the exquisite piece of metalwork, who turned it over in her paws before strapping the sheath around her neck.

The group took off into the skies of Eveanor, Kera's pink-scaled wings leading the way. Many other dragons passed them by, gazing at them curiously. Some of the bigger dragons that seemed to have positions of power among the army questioned them as they flew. Kera effortlessly answered them, her whole demeanor changing to that of a generic military officer. Aelwen was surprised at this hidden talent Kera apparently had.

Flying over stretches of green forests and hills, the group made a good amount of progress before retreating below the tree canopy for the night. They set up their sleeping mattresses around a campfire Aelwen constructed from twigs, branches, leaves, stones, and her own dragon flame. She was proud of the blue-white fire that burned beautifully against the backdrop of the dark forest. Jane explained upon being questioned that different Shifters had different kinds of flames, her own being purple and orange with small sparks.

The sight of Kera and Shev talking in hushed tones with one another caught Aelwen's attention as she set up her blanket. Kera kissed Shev on the cheek before he entered the woods, mostly hidden by brush. His shadow morphed and changed grotesquely before he scampered away, a blur of teeth and fur. Aelwen's mouth went dry.

"Shev's gone hunting. He'll be back soon," Kera explained to the group before spending a few minutes to cast an invisibility ward spell around the camp.

Erno called Aelwen over to him. He crouched low over his plethora of large bags, about to open the biggest one.

"I brought along some of my magic books. They detail all kinds of wondrous spell ideas and ways to execute them," Erno explained. "The most complex of spells also require intricate ways of weaving one's thoughts and mental images. I brought one perfect for beginners, it's right here-"

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