Chapter Twenty-Six -Departure

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"Riche Cheval changed the date of the ball."

Aelwen and Gerel's family looked up in surprise at the intrusion of Chieftess Arwista, who stood stiffly at the entrance of the tent.

The morning had been full for Aelwen. After she and Delku had relayed their newly acquired information to Beveri, Kera, and Gerel, the group had made their plans for the journey at a feverous pace. Now, with Arwista's new piece of intel, their minds stressed at the thought of having to alter them even more.

"...To what time!?" Kera asked, slamming a fist onto the ground.

"This Saturday. Considering it is Tuesday, I would suggest you all pack your belongings in a hurry," Arwista said. "Due to the thwarting of a recent attack on Clovendale, the Lord has decided to host the ball sooner in order to celebrate." The Chieftess scribbled furiously on her ever-present notepad before swiftly tearing out a page and handing it to Delku. Then, realizing her mistake, gave it to Beveri instead.

"Listed on that paper is the list of candidates I feel would be most appropriate to accompany the young Aelwen on her journey. Please take it with a pinch of sobriety, I know some of the people on it my be... less than to what you may consider as a standard."

Beveri raised an eyebrow. "The first one is Jane Florence. You mean the fairy inventor? She's mad."

Kera groaned. "Anyone but her. Please."

"Why should be bring her?" Aelwen asked innocently.

Gerel and Aelwen sat next to one another. Back in human form, the older boy now had Shifter ears and a golden streak. In order for none in the village to suspect anything, Kera had promptly dyed his hair just as she did her own, then hidden his ears under a hat. His eyes had great bags underneath them, a prominent bit of proof telling of his breadth of exhaustion. Arms wrapped around his knees, he huddled within himself, letting Aelwen gently place a hand upon his shoulder.

"Her assistance in transformations would be quite unparalleled. She's one of the best in the art that we have, not to mention her geological knowledge would be essential in finding the weaknesses in certain dragon's scales. After all, knowing if an enemy's scales were diamond or sapphire would be a great difference indeed." Arwista tucked her pencil behind her ear before whipping it out again and making a few more notes.

"She will come," Delku stated plainly. "Your case had been made and is a good one at that."

"The next is Erno Cornice. I think we can safely say this makes sense," Beveri said.

"Yes. Since Aelwen will not have time to finish any kind of appropriate training before leaving, I assumed it would be appropriate to bring along one of her teachers... not to mention an extremely experienced combat mage," Arwista said.

Delku nodded, grunting his approval. Aelwen also agreed the idea.

Beveri looked back to the list. "Kera Kevani-"

"Well of course! No way in hell I'd not be coming." Kera smirked, cracking her knuckles. "Honestly..."

So they DO have a last name, Aelwen thought.

"Kera-" Arwista started.

"Deathsong," Kera corrected.

Arwista ignored her. "-is, obviously, experienced in this kind of undercover work, as well as combat."

Aelwen found it hard to imagine Kera participating in any kind of undercover work, let alone being good at it.

Beveri nodded and moved down the list. "Shev Moreno," she said to Aelwen's delight.

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