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"What's your favorite color?" I asked my blind date, Louise, that Cat had set me up with. This was our sixth date. We already had kissed and no new color seemed to pop.

"Mmm, that's a hard one, but I'd have to go with blue!" She said enthusiastically.

"But it seems like such a dull color, exactly like grey. I mean, grey isn't a bad color, but why not like both grey and blue because of the similarity?" I questioned. I just didn't understand the love people have towards the color.

"Blue is not similar to grey at all!" She blinked. "You know what I think Dan? That blue is the color you're lacking." She said dully. "I just don't think we were meant for each other." She added as she got up, kissed me on the cheek, and left. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and rang Cat.

"AGAIN?!" she cried into the phone.

"Yep, couldn't see blue..." I assured her.

"Ugh, we will just have to keep looking then. I could've sworn I was right this time..." she added, obviously a little annoyed that Louise wasn't my soulmate.

"Why are you so determined to find my soulmate?! You haven't even found yours yet!"

"Because, I just want to. I kno-Hold that thought, I've got to go, I think Beta just threw up on the carpet.." she said, disgusted.

I hung up and slid my phone in my pocket, making my way to the underground. I took more time than I normally would have taken because I wasn't in a hurry to get home. I was just little down that I hadn't found my soulmate yet.

I shuffled through the crowd, finally getting on the tube. I just didn't get it, why hadn't I found her yet? My soulmate. I saw an empty seat next to a young man with black hair.

"May I sit here?" I mumbled.

"Yeah." he replied. There was something about him that was intriguing. Interesting.

"I'm Phil..." He smiled as I sat down beside him.

"I'm Dan, nice to meet you!" I replied. The tube was packed full of people trying to get home after a long day's work.

"Where do you work?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"Um, well, it's not really considered a 'real' job, but I make youtube videos for a living. What about yourself?" He smiled.

"I consider Youtube a real job. My best friend Cat is a youtuber herself! I'm at university right now, studying to become a lawyer." I breathed. I hated law. I really did. The only reason why I was studying it was because when I first started I thought it wouldn't be bad and I would make loads of money so it wouldn't matter if classes were a little more challenging in the end.

"Well, this is my stop!" He burst out, getting up to go. "Goodbye!"

"Bye!" I yelled back, as he was already exiting the tube.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and began to text Cat. "Hey, wanna stop ovr by my place? I wanna talk 2 sm1"

A minute or so later I get a reply of "Sure! gimme 30 mins"

I walked into my dorm and got hit by a strong smell of weed. "Dorm sweet dorm." I sighed as I fell onto my bed. I closed my eyes and heard knocking.

"WHHAATTT??!!" I yelled at the door, knowing it couldn't be Cat because she still had 20 minutes of her 30 minutes left.

"Yo man, I left my keys in there again man. Could you just let me in? Come on man." My roommate, Eric slurred.

I opened the door and Eric fell face first into the room.

"Brooooo. You could've given me a warning, man." Eric hiccuped. He got up onto his feet and scrambled for his keys. "Yo, I know it smells like grass died in here and it's because it did, if you're catching my drift. Anyway, I'm gonna be gone tonight, please don't tell anybody about my puff puff, ya know? See ya man." He mumbled as he stumbled out the door.

I rolled my eyes and laid back down on my bed, thinking about who my soulmate might be.

The next thing I knew, Cat was pounding on my door.

"Sorry, fell asleep." I muttered as I opened the door.

"No! It's cool, I just didn't want to stand out in the hallway with that couple right next door making really awkwardly bad sex noises..." she admitted.

"Sorry to make you come over on such short notice, knowing you have a real life and all. I'm just feeling a little down about not finding my soulmate yet and want to talk and hang out with a friend." I confessed.

"No problem at all!! I would always love to hang!! You know what's weird though? I've never seen Titanic and I'm thinking about it now because I just got off the phone with Shane Dawson, we might be doing a collab soon, and he said he just got done watching it the thousandth time."

"We have to watch it right now." I screeched, grabbing my laptop.

After watching the movie, I had a strange feeling.

"Cat?" I asked.

"Mmm" she murmured, scanning twitter on her phone.

"I saw this guy on the tube today..."

"And...?" Cat added, looking up.

"Well, he was an interesting lad, and I was just thinking to myself, what if we have been doing this all wrong?" I announced, a tad unsure about what I just said.

"What do you mean by 'doing this wrong'?" she inquired.

"I'm just wondering, what if my soulmate wasn't a girl? What if my soulmate was a guy?" I blurted, not even sure if what I said was true.

"Whelp..." Cat began, "We'll just have to start over, but with men."

Relieved at her response, I hugged her and told her how much I appreciated that she accepted me.

A few hours later of just straight up talking about possible soul mates, titanic and youtube, Cat decided she better go.

"I need to go let Beta out and make sure she isn't sick. I'm wondering if she only threw up because she got into the trash earlier or if she has a bug."

I hugged her and she was off.

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