Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

A/N: I'm so sorry for my lack of any consistently!! Like I said my Internet has been just no for a month or so. I'm going to try and update more provided I have time after or during school. I'm so proud of all you guys for staying my fans despite all this! Thank you all so much!! I love you all!!!


{Carter's P.O.V}

Adrian broke our kiss with a more nervous look donning his face. Apparently I can never be happy for an extended amount of time, something always has to happen that just destroys my mood.

"Carter..," Adrian sighed glancing into my eyes briefly, long enough for me to notice a question lingering in their deep, blue depths. "I need to ask you a question..about your past..," Everything in me was hoping for a good or happy topic to discuss. Honestly there is only one question I would like to hear from him. But I honestly doubt he'd ever ask me to be his boyfriend.

"Go on," I urged, not very eager to discuss past events but curious to find out the question. Whatever it may be Adrian looks reluctant to ask. The taller man withdrew from me putting a few paces between us. Now he's starting to freak me out a little bit, he's acting weird and I don't like it.

"A-Adrian? What do you want to know?" My eyes searched his face, meeting the sapphire orbs before me. Something about the way he's taking his time is a little off putting. Just spit it out, if I don't want to answer I'm not going to though.

"Actually you know what? Never mind me even bringing it up, it can wait until later. Would you like to go to the store with me? If the other doctors don't mind I would enjoy your company immensely," Adrian jumped topics swiftly, leaving me in the dark with his suspicions.

"Why did you change subjects? Why can't you just ask now and get it over with?" I questioned as if he hadn't mentioned leaving this foul place.

"Because I don't want to upset you when we can simply just discuss it later. There isn't any reason I can't just wait," Adrian stated, not helping me a bit. May as well just leave it be because what I've seen from him so far he's very stubborn, I doubt he would give in easily.

"Aside from that though would you like to go with me to the store? I promised Alec that since it is his birthday I would try to throw him some kind of small party. Although at the very least I'm going to get him a toy or something," Adrian looked thoughtful as he spoke.

Obviously he's grown very attached to the kid. Although I can't blame him. Alec is such a sweet little kid after all, it's sad that he's even here in the first place. His parents barely ever come visit him. Victor is his only constant companion. After his parents abandoned him here a year ago because of his "psychosis" all he can talk about is how when Victor and him get better he will get to go home. It's kind of sad he's only four, well five now, and he's going to have abandonment issues.

"Sure if its okay with them I'll go, only because of Alec though he's sweet and deserves to be happy for at least a little while," I crossed my arms defiantly, unwilling to admit that I really just want to be around him and riding to the store sounds a little fun actually. Maybe my facial scar won't be too off-putting.. Maybe I shouldn't go after all people will talk.

My eyes widened with a sudden realization. What if I see Talon? I can't go. He'll kill me if he sees me. Just thinking about my abusive Ex made my chest tighten painfully, throbbing with the ghosts of my past. It's been nearly a year since that day and I find myself thinking about it more frequently than ever before. Lately my dreams have all turned to nightmares, I suspect tonight will probably end the same way as well.

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