Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

A/N: people seemed interested for me to update this one so I decided eh why not, if it's what my babies want then ill update it. Think I'm going to switch it up from the usual and write this in third person. If you prefer it the other way then tell me down in the comments. I just thought I'd try something new.

Also this isn't just a filler chapter so if you're following the storyline then read it all the way though because there is an important part in the end.

Chapter song: This Is Gospel By: Panic! At The Disco


Adrian's pen tapped on his paperwork sporadically, he was eager to finish filling out the release forms. Just to think soon he would get to walk around with his angel by his side. Just the mere thought brought a small smile to his face. Carter disappeared minutes before into the small built in bathroom and he was really taking his time. The teen was trying to make himself look presentable, he actually tried to brush out his mop of wavy blonde hair. All of it was for nigh though because it just didn't want to cooperate today.

Adrian would look up from time to time beginning to get anxious. Slowly, almost timidly, the bathroom door opened. Carter stepped out feeling awkward, he plucked at the sleeves, pulling them over his pale hands. The blonde wasn't used to wearing these kind of clothes anymore and they seemed to hang oddly from his lithe figure, they made him feel very conscious of his body. Adrian didn't look up for once, he was completely focused on finishing his paperwork, sometimes he had the dumbest timing.

"So you're still doing that paperwork? I thought you'd be done by now," Carer finally said feeling ignored. Adrian peered up and was struck silent for a moment, though he usually was around this boy, the sun seemed to shine directly on him making his golden hair shine. Never before was Adrian so dumbstruck over someone's appearance. Carter seemed to notice him staring causing him to flush lightly then look away.

With a smile Adrian finally found his words, "There's a lot to do, by the way, you look gorgeous today Angel,"

Carter raised his head but still refused to meet his gaze, "Really?" He asked timidly. Adrian couldn't help but smile bigger at him. Obviously nobody ever showered him with affection which Adrian thought was pure criminal, everybody should just love on this boy.

"Really really, come here," Adrian gestured for him to walk over, Carter hesitantly obliged. Adrian pulled him down onto his lap moving the release forms out of the way so he wouldn't land on them. Carter turned a whole new shade of pink but didn't resist. The brunette smiled at him and kissed the tip of his nose.

"You're absolutely perfect Angel," Adrian said softly but loud enough for the blond to hear. He wanted him to know, because most of the time it seemed he didn't. Carter's hand immediately went to the scar disfiguring his cheek obviously having his doubts. "Even with this?" He questioned.

"Definitely, I forgot it was even there," Adrian mumbled and wrapped his arms around him so he could finish the work he was doing. Carter looked down at the paperwork now resting on his lap and smiled small. Nobody had made him feel this happy in a long time. Carter actually felt like he could trust this guy, this amazing, sweet, protective, guy.

Carter quickly read over the forms while Adrian wrote, having slight difficulties on account of his companions sloppy handwriting. He read that they were just going to the local super-center then right back home. Nervous butterflies swarmed around his belly. He had forgotten that there were a lot of people in this town that could recognize him. Suddenly he began to feel self conscious again, what if they all just stared at him then ran off to tell their friends they had seen the freak.

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