Chapter 7

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{Adrian P.O.V}

My morning felt unbearable, the sun was in my eyes, it was cold and memories of Carter making out with that dude were burned in my eyes and brain. I had to basically drag myself to the psychiatric hospital.

The soft sounds of people talking just sort of pissed me off today. Just the sound annoyed me.

Why does he have to have a damn boyfriend? I don't care how selfish that sounded I want him to myself. Listen to me I'm crazy I've known him for like a day and he has a boyfriend. Am I a damn stalker now? Whatever it's just whatever I'll learn to deal eventually.

Until I've dealt I'll put on a fake smile and pretend like everything is ok. The age old secret of masking, women can do it, hopefully it's easier then it looks.

The hospital stood proudly in front of me as I stepped from my car. Perfectly trimmed bushes lined the side walls and roses adorned the front bordering the doors. It was a totally beautiful day, is god mocking me?

It's ironic how pretty the hospital looks from the outside. Especially since there is nothing but turmoil on the inside. Speaking of turmoil, Carter never told me how he got here. I'm asking when I get in.

My converse made a clopping noise against the pavement as I walked towards the hospital half-heartedly. The strap of my backpack dug uncomfortably into my shoulder. The sun decided to shine brightly in my eyes making me squint. God I just want to go the frig home.

Electric doors slid open as I stepped onto the black mat out front. A gust of cool air tumbled out chilling me slightly. Some nurse, whose name I really don't know, smiled pleasantly at me.

"Good morning, your name is Adrian right?" She, I'm gonna call her smiley, asked politely.

"Yep," An easy, curt response from me.

Clearly not sated with my answer she pressed on, "Well aren't you the new apprentice." Smiley sorted through some files and stopped to read one. "Actually you're the one working with Carter Willows correct? Good luck with that one we can't make him crack maybe you'll have better luck."

"Oh yea while I'm here I need to ask because if I don't now I'll definetly forget. How did he end up here? I asked but he told me, well wrote me, to ask somebody else. I didn't have very much time to read through his file and then I left it with Dr. Thuddy so yea."

"Oh sure just hold on a moment." Smiley opened a drawer and flicked quickly through random files. Damn she's good at that she must've been working here awhile. She abruptly stopped and pulled a cream colored folder out of the cabinet. "Here we go Carter Willows' file." Ms. Smiley extended her arm offering the rather thin folder to me. Anxiously I took it from her, "Can I just return this to you later?"

"Sure take as long as you need."Smiley gave that same pleasant smile from earlier and started filing again. "It was nice meeting you Adrian,"

"You too Smiley," I responded very absentmindedly and flushed lightly. S*** balls, she shot me a confused look and I speed walked away. Damn I should watch what I say more carefully. Who cares I got Carter's backstory and time before I have to meet him.

Making my way to Dr. Thuddy's office I was pleasantly surprised to find her absent at the moment. Good, I like peace when I read. Settling down in a chair I threw backpack somewhere and got to reading.

{Carter's P.O.V}

Am I really that terrible of a person?

Does Adrian hate me now?

He should. I'm a terrible person. Everybody should hate me, I don't deserve love or friends. Honestly I should just be rotting in a f***ing hole right now. Right now I feel like my body is just leaden, I've been laying in bed all damn day staring at the wall. I couldn't sleep at all last night. I'm physically exhausted but I still can't sleep. God I'm such a worthless sack of nothing.

Now I can see why Talon loved hating me so much. He was right I did deserve it, I still do. I'm worthless I don't deserve to live. Adrian probably even agrees with me now that he knows what I am and how terrible I am.. And I don't even know with Gerard he's so damn bi-polar it's really hard to tell.

Maybe I should do the whole goddamn work a favor and die, nobody would have to put up with my bull shit and I'd be free of this wretched existence. I'd be free of my fear of Talon. Maybe he should kill me, it would probably make him happy at least. A soft rapping at my door got my attention, I shifted my gaze but made no move to open the door. They have arms, probably, they can do it.

An overly smiley nurse peeked in holding a small cup and a bottle of water. Stupid f***ing antidepressants maybe I enjoy thoughts of suicide. She held the two out to me. I didn't move. Why bother?

"C'mon sweety you need to take your meds,"Her overly happy tone burns. I simply shrugged in response.

"We both know if you don't take them I have to force them in you. You could hurt yourself if you don't take your meds sweety," that motherly tone came forth and she pressed on. The woman sat in the chair persistently. F*** you lady I'm depressive not stupid I know what antidepressants are for.

Shooting her a sneer I snatched the bottle and cup from her. After uncapping the bottle I tossed the pills into my mouth band swallowed them, chasing them with the water. The woman smiled smugly and left. Stupid bitch.

My scar burned lightly, i wonder why it does this. Is Talon thinking about me? I stroked the scar on my cheek without any thought. Damn whoever saved me that night. Damn them for not f***ing letting me die.

Too late now. Too damn late, no telling how long I'll be in this hellhole.

I wonder what time it is. Is Adrian here yet? Is he avoiding me? Why do I even care? It's not like I've known him forever. Yet I found myself thinking about him a lot yesterday. Why would he be mad anyway? It's not like someone like him could ever like someone like me. He's making something of himself and me I'm just nothing. Just a life unspent and wasted.

{Adrian P.O.V}


Hmm it makes sense. He does seem rather depressed and detached. Why would he try to kill himself is what I want to know. It says here on July 8th he was admitted to a hospital for bad injuries. They never concluded what happened to him because he refused to tell. Days later while still badly injured he attempted jumping out of the window of his room on the 7th floor.

Why on earth would he do that? He seems like such a nice boy. Also says here he's 19...never would've put that together he looks much younger.

Why does that date look do familiar as well as his stock of injuries he had? I swear this is all so familiar but I can't place my finger on it! Damn memory!

Wait, the scar on his face and that date months ago. Oh my god.



U all love me :P

So I gave Carter's backstory or at least a summarized version.

Looks like Adrian is piecing things together now. Good boy






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