Broken Pieces

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I didn't know if it was just the anger fueling through me, or if it was panic, or whatever the hell it was. But I started to flip out after Liam had told me that Zayns own father had kidnapped him. How the fuck does that happen? By the time I had finished throwing my fit, everything was a mess. I hadn't exactly meant to break anything, per say. But The couch was flipped over and the chairs were upside down and for goodness sake's Louis' ugly lamp was still laying broken on the floor. And here I was, just like that stupid ceramic piece of junk. I had managed to curl up on the floor, a ripped pillow clung tightly to my chest as I let out angry huffs and quiet broken sobs. What had my life turned into? 

"Niall," Liam whined, letting out a soft grunt as he picked me up off of the floor. "You cant stay on the floor like that. It's not sanitary. and you'll hurt yourself with that glass." he said, pointing to the hideous yellow and brown lamp.

"It's not glass." I muttered defiantly, not even caring if I did somehow wound up with a couple of nasty cuts.

"It's not like it matters. You wouldn't be acting like a child if Zayn were-"

"That's the thing, Liam!" I shouted, pushing myself away from him, my voice cracking in the slightest. I didn't want to talk about this- with Liam or with anyone. "He's not here! He's not. So don't you dare bring it up when you haven't done shit. You didn't see the look he had on his face, Liam." I growled, my hands gripping in my hair relentlessly. "He looked scared Liam. He looked hurt. He looked like maybe he was breaking just a little on the inside like I am. Do you have any fucking idea what it's like to see someone like that?! To see them breaking, right in front of you? Don't bullshit me Liam, so help me god-" I couldn't even control what I was saying anymore, I felt like maybe I was slowly going insane.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Niall?! Do you have any idea of what the fuck we do for that son of a bitch that Zayn calls his father? Do you? You think this is easy for me? I cant say I'm proud of this but I've held a gun to so many men's heads, right in front of their wives; their children; just to satisfy that motherfucker because once you get it, you cant get out! We may have been gentle with you, but if we had been given orders to kill you right there at your house, we would have done it in a split second." Liam said, rage in his voice like I hadn't ever heard it before. And I admit that maybe, I hadn't been thinking it through. But this... this was something I still hadn't grown to know. Liam let out a shaky breath, looking at me with a fire in his eyes. "you'd never understand, Niall. Not the way we do. Not the way Zayn does. We live this life, Niall. And the only way you would understand would be if you-"

"Help me join the gang." I said, not even giving it a second thought. I didn't care. I just wanted to give these people what they deserve.

"What?" Liam asked, bewildered. His face had gone soft and he hand his hand rubbing across his face wearily.

"I said," I cleared my throat, preparing the words that would come out my mouth, trying my best to make them sound just a bit stronger. "Help me get into the gang."


Ah hell, I thought to myself, a dull ache in my jaw and a burn at my wrists. My ass felt numb too, but I didn't feel like talking about that part. Where the fuck was I? oh god, Where the fuck was Niall? I gave a small groan, my brows furrowing as I tried to open my eyes. Why the fuck was everything so dark?

"Zayn, you finally woke up, I see." A voice said. But where was it coming from. Sounded like someone I knew. "I was wondering when you would wake up. Eric told me you gave a struggle and you know what we do to people that struggle." Yeah, I knew what we did. We always had chloroform in the glove box in case we would run into a bit of trouble.. Holy hell, wait.

"Eric? The guy that came in from Kansas?" I asked, my voice rough and hoarse. Had I yelled? Because my throat hurt like hell.

"Yes, Eric. He exceeded my expectations," I would probably imagine this guy nodding if I had the slightest clue in who he was. My brain was still a bit fuzzy and I could barely think straight. I heard his shoes shuffle across the floor and then a snap. "You!" he called out to someone, more than likely pointing at them, "Take the blindfold off."  There was a sudden rough tugs that pulled at the knot in the cloth over my eyes. And then suddenly, I was met with blinding light. I groaned, blinking at the blurriness of my vision, because I had come to realize that I had been tied to a chair with rope. I looked up, trying to make out who it was. And then it all made sense.

"What the fuck is this about?!" I asked, harshly pulling at the ropes that were tied to my wrists. "What do you think you're doing? Are you fucking insane?!" I yelled, staring up at my father with nothing but hatred in my voice. His hand came up, slapping my cheek hard with his large heavy hands. It stung like a bitch, I'll tell you that.

"Don't talk to me that way, Zayn! Or did you forget who is really in charge here?" he barked, his voice loud in my ringing ears. BastardI would have said if I hadn't felt my face start to numb with a coolness. Ice. Ice that my father was holding up to my face. "You know I don't like treating you that way Zayn. But you have to learn how to behave."

"What, like you tried teaching mum to behave?" I spat, literally spat, at his stupidly polished shoes. "Don't act like you didn't touch her because I know you did! I saw you! The way you hit her when she didn't finish dinner when you wanted it finished or when she hadn't washed the shirt you had planned to wear!" I didn't care that I was straining my throat to scream, I wanted to shove it in his face how stupid and awful he was. "That's why she left. Because you were nothing but a SHIT OF A HUSBAND!" And that was when he started to hit me, time and time again. But I took it, because I knew he would hate it even more if I didn't react.

"AND SHE LEFT YOU HERE WITH ME!" He sneered, beating at me like I was a dog. "BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T WANT YOU! BECAUSE YOU'RE WORTHLESS. YOU CANT DO ANYTHING RIGHT!" I felt myself get dizzy, and my father had started panting as he got tired. The hitting stopped and he had slumped down next to me. He wiped the blood from my lower lip with the stupid handkerchief he kept in his pocket. "Zayn," he said, looking down at the dirty cement floor. "You and I, we were meant to rule together. You'll do as I say and we will work out the little.. kinks." I looked at him, the pain finally creeping in and I just nodded slightly, darkness taking over and I knocked out for the second time that night.

My laptop is up again! Sorry it was so short. Much love to those of you who read this! I finally get to update now! Love you guys! comments are much appreciated, because it helps me find out what you guys like and dislike so that I can make this story as good as possible for you guys! I'll be updating again soon xx

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