Chapter 1

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Quick little Author's Note here! If you hate Clexa, don't read. If you hate Bellarke, don't read. If you hate Lexa as a character, don't read. If you hate Bellamy as a character, don't read. Honestly, if you hate anything about the 100 I'd advise you just not to read this haha. Enjoy!!!

It had all happened to quickly, Lexa had held her breath in an attempt to regain her composure before even entering Clarke's quarters but what she was met with when she entered was worse than what she had thought.

"You asked to see me. I'm here." Lexa spoke almost bluntly before realising Clarke hadn't moved, she remained where she stood like a ghost whom wasn't really there. It was then Lexa felt that all too familiar worry for the blonde haired Skygirl and she took a step forward, that worry seeping into her voice. "Clarke?"

Clarke whirled round with the knife and pressed it against Lexa's throat without a moments hesitation and she was sure she was going to slit her throat but then she looked into her eyes. It pained her that the mighty 'Wanheda' couldn't even slay her biggest demon and instead felt tears brimming her blue eyes. Pathetic.

"I'm sorry." Lexa whispered whilst staring into Clarke's eyes, hoping, praying that she would feel the truth in those words. She was so, very sorry for what had happened at the Mountain and she found herself thinking that if she could go back in time it would not have happened that way. Weakness.

Clarke's face scrunched up in pain before shoving Lexa away and walking away from her once again, she couldn't do this. She couldn't kill Lexa because even now as she remembered it was Lexa's fault for turning her into this monster, she didn't blame the Commander. No one was to blame but herself and she could not kill again for the sake of trying to feel better. She let the knife crash to the ground below her.

"I never meant to turn you into this." Lexa said into the room before gazing at Clarke and she found herself unable to believe the pain in her own heart. She couldn't believe what she had done now, it was as if the strong and compassionate leader she had seen in Clarke and had undoubtedly fell in love with had been stripped away. It was all her fault.

Clarke slid down against the wall and brought her knees into her body, the tears escaping her eyes as she briefly looked to Lexa. "I can't do this anymore." She whispered before burying her face, letting the tears flow.

Lexa couldn't stay where she was any longer and swiftly made her way over towards Clarke before kneeling beside her and looking her over. She was broken and that broke Lexa's heart. Slowly Lexa raised her hand and tentatively took Clarke's hand in her own and when Clarke didn't protest but instead slowly raised her head The Commander felt a great deal of relief.

"You did what had to be done for the sake of your people. You are not the monster you think you are." Clarke's eyes held something resembling hope upon hearing those words, before the tears began to stream out her eyes once more. She tried to form some sort of words to speak but nothing came out other than a sob.

As Lexa slowly raised to her feet, she brought Clarke with her and held her close as she carried her to the bed before placing her down. She gently moved her so she could hold Clarke close  and Lexa realised there could be no doubt about it, she still loved Clarke. She placed a gentle kiss atop Clarke's head whilst rocking her gently, letting her cry. Her own eyes were glazing over with un-shed tears.

They sat there, letting the day pass slowly. Lexa refused to move until Clarke found some form of breath and when she did they were so quiet and gentle, she would have mistaken her to be sleeping had Clarke not been shaking so violently. As she stroked her hair gently she decided now had to be the time to tell her. "You're free to go. You're Mother is here, I'll send her to get you."

Lexa began to get up but Clarke tightened her grip on her hand before pulling her hand away and whispering. "Sorry." Lexa gave her a small smile and held her hand before gently wiping the tears from her face and then raising to her feet. "I'll come back. I promise." The Commander then walked out of the room to retrieve the group that had came for Clarke.

"I'm so sorry." Clarke whispered.


As Abby, Kane, Monty and Bellamy walked behind Lexa on their way to retrieve Clarke, Bellamy found himself shaking in anticipation it had been too long, he hadn't went a day without thinking of the Princess and wondering if she was alright. Anything could have happened to her out there and it had only been made worse when they had found out about the whole 'Wanheda' thing which was bullshit. Clarke was not death nor was she The Commander of it, if anything she should have been deemed the Angel of Life or something more fitting. She had dedicated every waking moment to saving The 100 and his sorry ass as well, he needed to get to her.

"Bellamy, calm down. She's safe." Kane urged, he knew Bellamy was no good in this state of mind so he attempted reminding him that Clarke was okay, he needn't worry as much as he'd been doing.

Lexa stopped momentarily and raised a brow slightly before speaking. "Bellamy Blake?" She questioned without turning and upon hearing his hearing footsteps, that only confirmed it. It was him.

The two walked ahead of the others as they made their way through the halls to get to Clarke. "Bellamy, she cares about you-"

Bellamy felt something stab into his chest and he frowned slightly as he tried to comprehend what Lexa was saying. His mind was beginning to go into over drive, has Clarke said something? Had the Princess, has his Princess said something about him? He shook his head quickly and spoke. "She cares-"

"About all of you, yes. She cares for you more... I just hope that you can do the same for her, she needs it." Lexa told him as they neared the door.

"I need you." Bellamy remembered those words all too well and if what Lexa was saying was true, then he would be there for her just like he would have been in the beginning. He wanted nothing more than to give her the forgiveness she deserved (again), to let her know that he understood, to hold her- what was he doing. He couldn't go there, not yet. Too deep within his thoughts to notice, he walked right into Lexa and his frown returned before seeing what The Commander had stopped for.

Two guards lay unconscious by the door, which was wide open. Both Bellamy and Lexa flew into the room, their eyes searching the entirety of it.

Bellamy's heart sunk before he looked to Lexa quickly. "Where is she? You said she'd be here. You said she was safe! So help me God-"

Lexa was standing by the bed as she turned to look at Bellamy, holding a bit of paper. Written across it was: "I'm sorry." She gave it to him, whispering. "She's gone..."

Bellamy's eyes widened as he read the bit of paper before they narrowed. "What do you mean she's gone!? Gone where!?" His voice rose, demanding.

Lexa's own eyes narrowed and she let her voice also rise. "I was with you all was I not? I left her under the supervision of two guards to bring you all to her, explain to me how I would know where she is!?" She demanded.

"No... Clarke's gone?" Abby asked, her voice hollow. She had lost her daughter, again.

"We'll find her." Both Bellamy and Lexa said with such sincerity, it was a promise.

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