Chapter 6

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A/N: Hello! I was really worried about how well people would have took my last chapter but it wasn't terribly detailed so hopefully it wasn't too bad! Thank you again for all the feedback! Sorry for any mistakes, love you all! Also, I'm sorry this took so long! In all honesty I was so shaken by the finale I could barely write this down! The Clexa scenes were beautiful and I'm still squealing over the Bellarke hand hold! I'm going to go ahead and apologise for the length of this chapter too, it should be longer but I decided to split it into two chapters because it would have looked a bit too crammed if I hadn't. Enjoy! xxxxxxxx


Bellamy flung Cage to the side as he looked to Clarke, desperation covering his face. He slowly walked towards her, terrified of what he might be met with. He physically felt his heart shatter, nothing could have prepared him for this.

"Clarke?" He croaked, his voice seeping with the worry he had for his Princess. God, she was covered in blood, literally covered in it. It turned his stomach to see someone so beautiful drenched in the Crimson liquid.

He tentatively brushed her hair out of her face and looked to her for a moment, silently begging she would wake up there and it would all be over. She didn't. His heart plummeted.

He gulped down the fear that was simmering inside him as he gently felt for a pulse. When a gentle tap was felt, he let out a massive sigh of relief before shakily getting to his legs.

"Don't worry Clarke, I'll get you out and I mean it this time. You'll be okay, you'll be fine." He mumbled away to her, trying to reassure himself that Clarke would be alright.

He gently lifted her into his arms and it suddenly hut him just how small she was, she felt tiny and fragile within his arms and all he wanted to do was protect her. Good job you did with that, he thought angrily.

He held her close as he began to make his way out of the quarantine corridor. The walk though the endless corridors and hallways felt like a blur now, none of this felt real, he couldn't see properly, couldn't hear, couldn't feel.

As soon as he saw the rest of the group he assumed that the feeling of reality would return, it didn't. He could barely hear any of them speak, all he could think about was getting Clarke out of this damned mountain.

"Bellamy! Did you find- Is that- Is that Clarke?" Raven stuttered in pure disbelief, that couldn't be Clarke hanging limply in Bellamy's arms. Could it?

Octavia's eyes widened as she looked to Bellamy and she felt her own worry trickle it's way through her body. Bellamy was bad enough when Clarke left, what would he do if she was dead? She banished that thought from her mind, she wouldn't be dead, couldn't be.

Bellamy eventually accepted that his brain wasn't going to produce any coherent thought to have an actual conversation with the group, not now with Clarke's life in his arms. "We have to get her home." He said quietly before walking away from them all. They all cast hesitant glances towards one another before following after him, each and every one of them falling into their own internal worry for their brave leader, their Clarke.

The group made their way out of the mountain, the anxiety and fear was so intense that none of them managed to utter a word. They walked in silence to the rover and once they were there, Bellamy laid Clarke down in the back before gently draping his jacket over her. Enough of her had been exposed, he felt sick at the very thought.

Jasper returned from the trees where he had been looking out, he couldn't bring himself to go into the mountain so he stood guard instead. "Guess you found her then? What the hell's the matter with you all? She a bit upset? She probably deserves it." He said with a quiet chuckle that was swallowed as soon as he seen everyone's faces. In an instant, Bellamy was storming towards him.

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