Chapter 5

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A/N: Hello! I honestly cannot thank you all enough for all the feedback I have been receiving! I didn't expect anyone to actually enjoy this story, so I can't find the words to express my joy that you all do! Also, thanks for the good lucks! Okay, I need to put a BIG WARNING here, please do not read this chapter of you cannot handle dark material. What happens in this chapter is important for the rest of the story but it doesn't have to be read if you can't handle dark stuff. Thank you all! Sorry for any mistakes, please enjoy. Don't hate me. Love you xxxxx


Clarke awoke in a painful haze and that scared her, she had to stay alive, she had to make sure nothing happened to them, she couldn't let anything happen to Bellamy. Her head spun as she tried to regain her focus but nothing was working, her body was giving up. The panic that surged through her was so intense, she thought her heart might just give out right there and she had no doubt that it would have had the water not came.

A bucket of icy water had been thrown over her and she shot up with what must have been pure adrenaline because her body collapsed back onto the table as soon as she had gotten up. She coughed, trying to clear her throat of the water before she heard them.

"My sincere apologies, Clarkey. You were so quiet we thought you were dead." Cage informed with a sly smirk across his face as he looked to her before approaching the table with Emerson. They both looked her over like a pair of predators surveying their prey.

Clarke didn't care, the longer they were distracted with her, the longer they would stay away from her friends, her family. She looked to them both once before returning her gaze to the ceiling.

Once again, her unresponsive reaction enraged Cage and he grabbed her chin forcing her to look at him. "You know, I'm getting awfully tired of getting absolutely nothing out of you Clarke! I told you before, you will scream!" He spat at her and she heard Emerson chuckle.

"I think you might be overlooking a serious possibility, Mr President." Emerson drawled, gaining Cage's attention. "The mighty 'Wanheda' is dying and she will do so at our hands." He said with a disgusting look of twisted joy.

Cage frowned then. "Not yet. I still have big plans for her-" They were cut off by the sound of a radio, Cage rolled his eyes in annoyance before turning away to answer whomever it was. "What!?"

"Mr. President we have a problem. There's a rover approaching the main doors." Cage's frown deepened as he tried to comprehend who could possibly be coming to the Mountain and in a vehicle no less. It made no sense.

Clarke's eyes widened then, she knew it was them. They had come to rescue her, she felt her chest constricting at the thought of her friends all there for her but she quickly regained herself. She had to act quickly if she was going to save them.

Cage whirled around and barked out his orders. "Emerson! Watch her and try not to kill her while I'm gone!" He said before quickly leaving the room. Clarke waited for Emerson to approach her, she knew he would and she also knew he would hurt her. She was counting on it.

It shocked Clarke more than she cared to admit when Emerson hit her right in the face, her head smacking against the cold table. It occurred to her that even after all the damage they had done to her, they hadn't touched her face. Until now of course, she was reminded by another blow.

"I've had it with you. You don't deserve to breathe anymore." He sneered and suddenly grabbed her neck. His hands were crushing down on her windpipe but it took Clarke a moment to even register what was happening in her dazed state. She choked for the air that was absent in her lungs before bringing up the scalpel she had been clinging to for dear life and sliced it through Emerson's neck. He dropped to the ground, desperately trying to stop the blood flow.

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