Chapter 2

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Sorry for the wait! I just want to thank everyone for reading and the feedback I have been given! I should mention that Gina or Pike don't exist in this fic, sorry. Hope you all enjoy and I apologise for any mistakes! Love you all.

Bellamy had, had enough of waiting around in this stupid tower for Lexa, they should have been out there looking right away. He should have been out there right away. So he barged into the room Lexa was in with some guy named 'Titus' and was semi relieved Lexa told the guards who, immediately flanked him to back off, he didn't have time for them. "Lex-"

"That is Commander or Heda to you, boy!" Titus almost growled at him as Lexa brought a hand to her face in an act of exhaustion  and demanded that Titus leave them but not before he 'whispered' to Lexa "Love is weakness."

As soon as Titus had left the room, Bellamy looked back to Lexa and heaved a sigh. "Lexa, we have to go. She could be anywhere, I can't and won't stand around this tower any longer." He told her definitively. If it had been anyone else standing in front of him, he would have just left and went after Clarke alone but there was something about this Commander, something he couldn't quite put his finger on that made her seem almost... Necessary? For Clarke.

"I am aware. Which is why I want you to leave Polis now." The Commander said, her usually stoic voice somewhat broken and she seemed unable to look at him directly. Bellamy's heart rate started to increase and not in a good way. Something was wrong.

"What's going on? What's changed?" He asked her, allowing his voice to calm down slightly. He needed answers and quickly.

"...I can't come with you." Lexa whispered the words out, as if every letter chipped away at her very being. Surprisingly, it saddened Bellamy but it would be hard not to be affected by the sight of the mighty Heda so fragile due to one person. 'Our princess has that effect.' He briefly thought to himself, almost smiling at the memory and truth of it.

Bellamy regained himself, anger starting to seep into him as it always does. "What do you mean? You clearly care about her or you apparently did, why abandon her now!?"

At this, Lexa's head shot up and her terrifying gaze was back upon him. "How dare you. I am not abandoning Clarke. I... I cannot go because of my status as Heda. If I were to leave in search of Clarke, one girl whom may or may not even be in any danger it would create suspicion. My people would think me weak, my rule would be challenged." Lexa tried to explain but Bellamy had a feeling it was more for Lexa's own benefit and conscious than his.

Bellamy didn't care. He was wasting time here and he refused to waste any more of it. He was about to storm out of the room before he looked to Lexa once more. "I promise I'll find her." He assured her before starting to walk out of the room.

"Bellamy, if you feel the same way about her, as she does about you do not throw that away. She's special." This caught his attention, how did Clarke feel about him? The Princess wasn't even that fond of him in truth, was she? He knew they both had mutual respect and maybe even admiration for one another and perhaps even a crush? Bellamy shook his head trying to rid himself of the grin making its way to his lips, he couldn't go there. He had to find her first.

Lexa walked over to him and tied something round his wrist without even asking permission, he found it difficult to decide whether he liked The Commander or not but that wasn't important right now. "Show this armband to any grounder you encounter and they will allow you passage, safety and anything else you may need. Now go." She commanded and walked away from him. Bellamy couldn't be sure but he thought he saw tears in her eyes.


Bellamy ran through Arkadia giving no one a second glance, he was sure Monty would be able to fill anyone in who needed to know. He ran to his room and grabbed what little stuff was definitely needed. He was just about to leave when he thought of Octavia, he knew he needn't worry about her but being the older sibling meant some things just never stopped. He made his way to the bar like area the Ark had created, he doubted Octavia would even be in here but he could ask Monty to let her know.

As he turned the corner and into the bar area what he saw shocked him to stillness. Octavia, Lincoln, Monty, and Raven all stood as if they were waiting on him.

"Bell, took you long enough. Let's go." Octavia said without question before he could even protest but he soon found his voice.

"What are you all doing? You can't come, it's too danger-" He was stopped in his tracks when Octavia whipped round to face him.

"We know the woods a hell of a lot better than you do, you'll end up getting yourself lost. We're wasting time, let's go." She barked as Lincoln offered him a small smile of apology.

Bellamy still didn't like it but he understood where everyone was coming from to an extent, Clarke meant something to every single one of them. It made his heart flutter, even thinking about her. Damn.

However, when he saw Raven start to walk towards them he had to hold his and out. "Raven..." He said looking to her and then briefly glancing at her leg.

"Relax, pretty boy. Sinclair gave me these." She said showing him the keys to the rover with a little smirk.

Bellamy couldn't help but look at her with a smirk of his own, before nodding in agreement, everything was going to work out. His delinquents were all coming back together to find their Princess, his Princess. Until he saw him.

Jasper was lurking about, avoiding all of them only casting them the occasional glare. Bellamy swallowed his anger and looked directly towards him. "Jasper, you coming?"

Jasper looked away from him quickly and spat out. "To find Clarke? I don't think so, she deserves to die."

Bellamy's heart started to pound and his brows furrowed, he didn't have time for this. That's what he tried to tell himself but he could physically feel his blood begin to boil and his fist begin to raise. Then Monty stepped towards Jasper.

"How can you say that? Does that mean Bellamy and I deserve to die? We helped with that leaver. Clarke has always done what ever she could to protect us, she saved your life Jasper! Now get in the damn rover." He ordered. Jasper complied, his head hung in shame.

As soon as Raven started the rover, Bellamy felt an unfamiliar feeling of hope. He would find his Princess and this time, he would never lose her again.

Clarke's eyes snapped open, or rather, tried to snap open. Every time she opened her eyes all she was met with was darkness and a harrowing thought crept it's way over her, was she dead? Was this what death was, just an endless darkness? It terrified her.

She firmly believed that death was something she deserved right now but Clarke had thought, had prayed that there would be something after death. Her heart constricted as she remembered her hope of seeing her Father but it was just black.

Perhaps this was what she deserved after all, it was always said by the religious people that heaven was only for the good... She belonged in hell and that is where she has found herself. An endless, dark hell.

She was ripped from her deluded reality when a blindfold was torn away form her eyes and light flooded in. Now she felt utterly blind as she tried to regain her bearings and figure out where she was but she could hardly move at all and all that was felt was a cold metal table.

"What's the matter Clarke? Finding things difficult?" A cold voice asked from across the room and Clarke slowly bit her lip as her breathing slowed into a meagre inhale and exhale. It couldn't be. Emerson had found her.

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